THIS is Great YA Fantasy!

It takes a special talent to pull off carrying on a series minus the main character, especially when that character was written to be an amazing person. Elle Boca has done it with In the Garden of Weeia. A techno geek gets a second chance at a good life, but his abilities make him fair game for trouble and the wrong choices lead Ernie on a downhill slide to the wrong side of the law. Ernie is always up for a good challenge, but this may be one challenge he should pass on. Re-enter the world of the Weeia, through another portal, and be welcomed back by Elle Boca’s amazing creative skills!

We all get that gut flutter when an author ventures in a new direction to a series. Elle Boca not only took the fork on the left, she executed it flawlessly! When an author can shift focus away from the heart of a series and its amazing characters, she has done her work well! Her style is flows, locks on to her readers easily and she deserves a gold star for sharing the spotlight with Ernie, all thanks to Amy, of course!…And to put it down in a novella? brilliant, the perfect sample of things to come!

Dianne, reviewer and host of Tome Tender Book Blog