by Admin | Nov 16, 2021 | Elle Boca
Artist Sunday 2021 poster
Sunday Nov 28, 2021 is Artists Sunday, a day set aside nationally to support US artists, including some authors.
Join me: support artists across the country, including authors, on Artists Sunday 2021, a nationwide event, the Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 28, 2020.
Help us encourage consumers to support artists, craftsmen and authors across the United States.
If you want to buy something special and unique this holiday season while supporting artists and authors, art and books this is a great place to look.
What I’m Doing On Artists Sunday

Look for Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia digital edition on Artists Sunday at an Artists Sunday special price (20 percent off). Instead of $4.99 it will be $3.99 from Wednesday November 24, 2021 to Wednesday December 1, 2021 on Amazon.
Can’t wait? Buy it now. Click here to buy Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia (The Weeia Marshals Book 1)
Need to save your pennies? Not in a shopping mood? That’s okay too. You can still support the idea by sharing the information with your family, friends and followers.
Thank you!
by Admin | Mar 6, 2018 | Elle Boca

Fussy Librarian Author Q&A – click to enlarge
The Fussy Librarian matches ebook readers with authors. They recently profiled yours truly in an editorial author Q & A. Below is the interview, with their permission (thank you Sadye!):
Book-marketing experts are fond of emphasizing the importance of a well-written, engaging blurb.
In the case of urban-fantasy author Elle Boca, though, it was her bio that drew us in.
That isn’t a knock on her two series, which both center on superhumans called Weeia and which have garnered their fair share of positive feedback.
It’s just that we’ve never heard someone describe herself as “the only child of a monkey mother and a rabbit father.”
Want to know more about Boca? We sure did …
SADYE: So, what kind of a childhood does one have with a monkey mother and a rabbit father?
ELLE: Rather intense and confusing, right? I can’t speak for all the children of monkey mothers and rabbit fathers.
Perhaps it’s filled with a yearning to connect with and understand people; a love of books and learning, music and art; and a deep thirst for exploration and travel.
SADYE: When did you start writing, and why?
ELLE: In one way or another, I have been writing most of my adult life.
I began writing fiction about five years ago when I finally had the courage after a story popped up that I wanted to share.
SADYE: What has been the most rewarding part or parts of being an author?
ELLE: It’s the joy of knowing readers like the characters, settings, and stories. Every single time a reader finishes a book and tells me he or she enjoyed it, I feel rewarded. That is the main reason I keep writing.
There are so many wonderful books, talented authors, and fellow indies who place their hearts and souls in their work. For a reader willing to wade beyond the same old bestsellers, it is challenging to find a book to read from an unfamiliar author. That someone takes a risk and picks up my book is a big vote of confidence.
That she or he dedicated time, attention and emotional energy to reading my book is a huge reward. And readers who read all of my books fill me with immense joy.
Each of those readers — especially the ones who take the time to tell their friends or rate or review the books — makes my day even if I don’t find out until weeks or even months later. I feel a particular sense of reward when fellow authors tell their followers about my work or read my books.
When someone makes a comment that tells me she or he paid attention to the details of the story, the cover, the Weeia abilities or origins, and the settings, it makes me jump with joy.
SADYE: What has been the most challenging?
ELLE: Finding an audience. Based on reader reviews and ratings, people who read my books like them. Getting the books in the hands of those people is the hardest challenge.
SADYE: How do you come up with the actual words Weeia and Unelmoija?
ELLE: The idea for Unelmoija sort of popped into my head. I kept thinking about it until it gelled into something solid enough to describe in writing.
That was the birth of Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter, the first book of the Weeia superhumans five-book series set in Miami. Like the story, the concept of the Weeia people came to me.
The meaning of Unelmoija (it’s a real word) is revealed in that series. Spoiler alert: It refers to one of the most important superhuman abilities of the main character.
That is how I came up with the main character’s name, pronounced Ooh-nell-moh-yah.
SADYE: Where are the Weeia headed next?
ELLE: At the moment, we are following the adventures of Danni, the head marshal of the secret Weeia offices in Paris. Next is An American Weeia in Paris, book four of the Paris Marshals Series. Stay tuned.
* * *
Learn more about Elle Boca on her website, where her books can also be purchased, and follow her on Twitter.
See the interview on the Fussy Librarian website at
The Fussy Librarian matches ebook readers with the genre of books they like and also their preferences about content. Do you only read mysteries without profanity, violence and sex? Read just memoirs and gory horror novels? No problem. You can sign up to receive bargain books, which must meet review standards, or only free ebooks at We enjoy introducing readers to authors through our Q&A series as well. Writers who’d like to be featured can contact Sadye.
by Admin | Aug 16, 2016 | Elle Boca
Elle Boca is this week’s Underground Book Reviews featured author. With their permission below is a copy of the post.

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Author Spotlight: Elle Boca
by Amy R. Biddle

If you had a writing motto what would it be?
Life is too short to read (or write) bad books.
Where do you draw your inspiration?
It’s all around me – among people, places, nature, the news and situations I observe.
What is one interesting fact about you?
I love nature and wildlife and strive to include something about nature or animals in every book, although in urban settings like Paris that sometimes posses a challenge. For example, in my Miami urban fantasy series the characters swam with dolphins and manatees. In Paris, the River Seine which crosses the city, is frequently in the backdrop.
Have you learned anything from the self publishing process and would you do anything differently next time?
It’s wonderful to be in the driver’s seat even if it means a great deal more work than with the traditional publishing route. I would start earlier in the process.
What has been your most successful marketing strategy?
Marketing is one of the biggest challenges in the crowded publishing and indie publishing space. This is especially true for new and indie authors. The last Goodreads giveaway for Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, book one of the Marshals Series, received more than 800 domestic and international sign ups.
What is the best kept secret you have found in regard to indie publishing?
How supportive fellow indies are of each other’s work and how many want to read and highlight the work of indies whenever possible.
More about Elle Boca

Sworn to protect the secrets of their race, marshals are trained to police Weeia hiding among humans. After completing her advanced marshal training, Danni is blown away by her new plum assignment to Paris.
Amy R. Biddle
Amy Biddle is co-founder and managing editor of Underground Book Reviews. Her debut novel, The Atheist’s Prayer, is a dark comedy about a fairy-worshiping suicide cult. She is most at home in the Blue Ridge Mountains or surrounded by the great blue sea.
See the original post at
Underground Book Reviews strives to support authors to take risks through free and paid services, including book reviews, author spotlights, beta reading and editorial services. Learn more at
by Admin | Jun 9, 2015 | Elle Boca
Kelly Smith, a California book blogger, journalist, and host of Kelly Smith Reviews, recently interviewed Elle. With her permission below is a copy of the interview. Thank you Kelly!

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1. When/why did you decide to become a writer?
I’ve been a non fiction writer all my adult life although I only began writing fiction a few years ago.
2. What authors inspired you when you were younger? What books do you enjoy reading today?
The list is long. Along the way I have enjoyed classic Greek and Roman mythology, literature icons to fiction favs from Robert Ludlum, Wilbur Smith, and Anne Rice to name a few. In the last few years I have been enjoying urban fantasies from the likes of Jim Butcher, Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews, Kelley Armstrong, Patricia Briggs in no particular order. I also like discovering indie authors, especially in urban fantasies. Some authors whose work I read recently include Nicholas Rossis, Effrosyni Moschoudi, Madhuri Blaylock and Teresa Carlson. I also have a long wish list including: Lilo Abernathy, Tima Maria Lacoba, Sol Mage, Rose Montague, and Theresa Snyder.
3. What was the inspiration behind your Weeia series?
Everything began with Amy. She (in my own head) asked me to tell her story and it blossomed from there. After noticing so many of the fantasy and sci fi movies in the mainstream revolve around men with superpowers and rarely any women with impressive powers I wanted to explore women’s empowerment through a reticent yet very powerful beneficent leader. Amy is the ultimate superhero because she has all the abilities yet she craves none of the power.
4. What are you working on now that the series is done?
I’m working on a Weeia stand alone story titled In the Garden of Weeia about one of the minor characters we met in the series. I’m also working on a follow up series.
5. Foodies are in love with certain aspects of the series. Are you a foodie as well?
I’m so glad you said that! I worry that the food mentions annoy readers…
Guilty as charged. Needless to say I can’t eat the way Duncan and the Weeia do!
6. Were any of the characters personalities or emotions taken from real life?
Certainly real life is always an inspiration although in the stories the characters are an amalgam of borrowed emotions and personalities real and imagined.
7. What other genres would you like to try your hand at?
For now, I have my hands full. One day? Mystery.
8. If you could be any of the characters in the series, who would you be and why?
It’s a difficult question. On the one hand, Amy because she’s so amazing. On the other hand, there is so much weight on her shoulders. Kat, her sister, is a compelling character as well, plus she’s a great warrior. I could go on…
9. How did you decide what superhuman powers to give each character?
I think of them as abilities like the ones we humans have such as our senses: hearing, sight, smell, etc. The abilities for the main characters seemed to match their personalities or roles in the story. In some cases, they made sense like Amy and Kat’s parents’ abilities. They also related to the four henkis or ability types.
10. Would you like to see as the Weeia series a film franchise or TV series? If yes, who do you want to see play your characters?
Yes, that would be wonderful! Pierce Brosnan could play Amy and Kat’s father. He has the devilish good looks of Thomas McKnight. Although his ready smile might have to disappear for the role, ha, ha. Not sure who would be thin and fast like a runner to play Duncan. I don’t know about Amy. Her character requires a youthful personality yet she is very mature for her age.
11. Where do you see yourself and your career in the next ten years?
That’s a tough one. I hope to have found an audience and be writing new urban fantasies.
12. What would you be doing if you weren’t writing?
I would love to travel the world, go on safari, support conservation programs, especially to protect wildlife or make movies. Oh, you mean for a living? I’m not sure. I’m still finding my voice and evolving…
13. Did you originally plan for this to be a series, or did the narrative just keep going?
It started as a short story or novella and grew to a full length story which flowered into a series of five books.
14. What authors, dead or alive, would you like to collaborate with?
Another tough question! Collaborations are difficult. Wilbur Smith if it had anything to do with Africa. In fantasy, Anne Rice, Jim Butcher, and Ilona Andrews come to mind.
15. Thank you for participating in the interview. Can you please leave the readers with three things that may surprise them about you?
I love chocolate, cake and cookies
I’m a big safari enthusiast
Cape Town is one of my favorite city settings
Find Ms. Boca online via:
To read the interview on her site visit
by Admin | Jun 4, 2015 | Elle Boca, Unelmoija
Author Renee Hand, host of Stories from Unknown Authors on, interviewed Elle today. Scroll down to listen to the hour long interview. Thank you Renee!

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Renee Hand is a maverick in writing suspenseful mysteries and romances. She is the author of the Crypto-Caper and Joe-Joe Nut children’s book series. To listen to the interview click below or go to:
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