Check out Lani Houston’s recent five-star review of Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter published here with her permission. Thank you Lani!


Wow! Another five stars must read that I couldn’t lay down! This episode begans where the last book left off. Amy, Duncan, and Kat are at another Youth for Change gathering and almost at once the action begins. Loi, Ann’s husband is found dead by Amy, Duncan, Kat and Ann in a room on the compound. An Elder along with two associates come in and immediately take over the scene. He commands that the young people leave. They are acting like zombies, except Amy, and she’s wondering why??? They move down the hall to an empty room and sit down, Amy is complexed and ask them as to why they are acting so strangely. Completely unaware how to answer her, Amy goes over to a side chair to meditate and dreamshift back into the room unseen by the men so she can observe and listen to their conversation. What does she learn and is it murder or natural causes for Loi’s death?

Amy finds that she has yet several more abilities which cause her, Duncan, Kat and a leader of the Youth for Change to be summons before the Council of Elders. But things DO NOT go as they should, at least not in a world where human rights are most usually upheld. What new family members will they meet in this book? And is Amy’s love for beading going to cause problems? When will Amy and Duncan become more than boyfriend and girlfriend?

Although each book could be a stand alone novella, it’s so much more exciting to began with the first book!!!! I highly recommend these books to anyone that loves urban fantasy, romance, action, and suspense. I can’t rave enough for this talented author and her imagination to weave such a delightful tale(s)!