“Enjoyable and really well written, especially when describing Paris,” reader says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“Enjoyable and really well written, especially when describing Paris,” reader says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia


Kirsty. Amethystbookwyrm

Danni has completed her training to become a marshal, the police sworn to protect Weeia hiding among humans, and is surprised to receive a good assignment in Paris. However, when she gets there Danni discovers that not all is as she was expecting, with an apathetic boss, an office in shambles and her predecessor Marshals dying under mysterious circumstances. Despite the risks, Danni is determined to do her job, even if some in Paris believe they are above the law.

Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia is an action-packed book set in the Weeia universe. It is enjoyable and really well written, especially when describing Paris. This book also had suspense and humour.

Danni is persistent and determined to do a good job and to prove herself, she also comes across as blunt and abrupt but that is just a front because she is really insecure. There are a few secondary characters but only one really stands out in my mind, Iaen, as he is cocky, charming and a loveable rogue. I liked that Ernie was in this book and I hope he is in more of the future novels.

I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. I would recommend Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia to fans of the Weeia series.

Kirsty, host of Amethyst Bookwyrm Reviews

“Enjoyable and really well written, especially when describing Paris,” reader says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

Reader says, Paradox is “enjoyable conclusion to the Weeia series”

Recommend Unelmoija: Paradox and the rest of the Weeia series to fans of YA paranormal novels
Kirsty. Amethystbookwyrm

Still reeling from the death of her mother, Amy is trying to learn more about her powers when Vlad interrupts her loved ones and her life again. He tells them that his father Klaus is going to destroy all of Florida if he does not kill her father Thomas. Klaus is sure that Thomas is responsible for his father’s death but she is able to convince him to use her powers to discover what really happened. What she discovers doesn’t just impact her father and Klaus but has dire consequences for those she loves and they will have to make a choice that will change everything.

Unelmoija: Paradox is the fifth and enjoyable conclusion to the Weeia series. It is well written and has a lot of tension but it was not the fastest paced. This book also had twists and turns even if I did predict some of them.

Amy has grown since the first book and thinks things through a bit more but she is still active, resilient and good natured. Duncan and Kat are just as good and interesting characters as in the other books as they are both motivated people and are resourceful, especially when it comes to helping Amy. We also got to know Amy’s maternal grandparents better and I really liked how easy going and kind they are.

I was not expecting the ending but I was not a big fan of it as I felt it went on for too long. I would recommend Unelmoija: Paradox and the rest of the Weeia series to fans of YA paranormal novels.

Kirsty, host of Amethyst Bookwyrm Reviews

“Enjoyable and really well written, especially when describing Paris,” reader says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

In the Garden of Weeia is enjoyable spin-off novella, reader says

“…fast paced and interesting…”


Kirsty. Amethystbookwyrm

Ernie has been given a fresh start but he has fallen in with a wrong crowd. When he has been charged with a crime he didn’t commit, Ernie is sentenced to do grub duty at the Marshals academy for a year. He tries to keep his head down but he cannot resist a challenge and gets swept up in a sinister plot which could cost him his life.

In the Garden of Weeia is the enjoyable spin-off novella set after the events of the Weeia series. It is fast paced and interesting to see the Weeia world without Amy and her family and how much impact they have had on this world. That being said the action in this novella didn’t really happen until late in the story.

Ernie is a likeable character and I felt closer to him than Amy because we are similar as he is geeky, shy, rebellious and quick. However, I was not fully invested in the secondary characters but that is not surprising as it is a novella, and hopefully if Elle decides to continue this story we will get to know more about Amanda, Harry and the Marshals.

In the Garden of Weeia is an enjoyable novella and I hope we will get to see more of Ernie in the future. I would recommend this novella to fans of the Weeia series.

Kirsty, host of Amethyst Bookwyrm Reviews

“Enjoyable and really well written, especially when describing Paris,” reader says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“My favourite in this series,” reader says of Timeshifter

I am really looking forward to reading Unelmoija: Paradox

Kirsty. Amethystbookwyrm

Amy keeps on having unusual and realistic dreams about her past which seems to be causing problems with her Weeia powers and causing her to be tired all the time. Amy discovers that this is her fourth power as a timeshifter and she has to be careful not to change anything in the past as it may affect her present. Will she, along with her family and boyfriend be able to figure out a way to control her new power before it is too late?

Unelmoija: The Timeshifter is the very enjoyable fourth book in the Weeia series and so far my favourite in this series. I felt there is more in this book, with more romance, adventure, danger and discovery about her powers. However, I did find the book did drag a bit in the middle. The best part of this series is the way the characters are written as they are empathic and dynamic.

Amy is tired and struggling to find out why she is feeling this way, and she is also brave and generous. I really like the loyalty and love from those she is close to, and how they would do anything for each other. Duncan is my favourite character as he is the perfect guy for Amy with his sense of humour, charm and is always there for her but is not too perfect.

This book ended on a massive cliff-hanger and I am really looking forward to reading Unelmoija: Paradox the next and final book in the Weeia series. I would recommend Unelmoija: The Timeshifter to fans of YA paranormal books.

Kirsty, host of Amethyst Bookwyrm Reviews

“Enjoyable and really well written, especially when describing Paris,” reader says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“I enjoyed this book,” reader says of Spiritshifter

I enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to reading Unelmoija: The Timeshifter

Kirsty. Amethystbookwyrm

Loi, an amplifier who is able to develop Weeia’s abilities, is found dead is mysterious circumstances in which the Elders seem to be involved. Amy along with her sister Kat and boyfriend Duncan investigate, but Amy fears she might be next as there is a possibility that she is an amplifier and the murder is targeting them. Amy also wants to help the young Weeia who seem to be not developing their abilities, but is she able to help without her identity being revealed and her life being in danger?

Unelmoija: The Spiritshifters is the enjoyable third book in the Weeia series and I found it was not as dark as the previous books. It is easy to read with humour, romance, and action (although not as much as the previous books). The one small problem I had with this book was that the beginning few chapters were very confusing as it came across as starting part way through.

Amy is selfless as she always thinks of others and is trying to figure out her unusual amount of powers and what it means for her. Kat and Duncan are good secondary characters and I love their interaction with Amy, with Kat’s protectiveness and Duncan’s humour.

I enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to reading Unelmoija: The Timeshifter. I would recommend Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter to fans of the rest of the Weeia series.

Kirsty, host of Amethyst Bookwyrm Reviews