“An imaginative tale,” reviewer says about In the Garden of Weeia

“An imaginative tale,” reviewer says about In the Garden of Weeia

An Enjoyable YA Fantasy

Leslie Professional Picture
Ernie Satuan is a Weeia, which means he has superhuman abilities. In his case, those abilities pertain to technology and gadgets. Though he is smart, he is a bit too trusting. When he puts his faith in the wrong people, he finds himself punished for a crime he did not commit. He is sent to perform grub work at the Marshals’ Academy, which is similar to being sentenced to military service. Even there, his talents get him in trouble on more than one occasion. He sets about to try and outsmart measures to keep him out of the garden, which has caught his eye. Ernie soon finds himself in the midst of a tangled plot involving the marshals. Will his abilities help or hinder the situation?

This is a YA fantasy novella, which is a spinoff of Boca’s “Weeia” series. However, this book can easily be read and followed as a standalone, as it is the only one I have read at this time. Ernie is a rebellious but truly likable character. He has struggles with his past, which makes him identifiable. Overall, this is an imaginative tale which makes it a fun, quick read.

Leslie McKee, host, lmckeediting.com, makes her living as an editor and reviewer. She is a member of The Christian PEN, and part of the organization’s newsletter editorial staff. She has reviewed books since 2005, primarily for RT Bookreviews Magazine.

Reader says: “I recommend to all” about Mindshifter

Reader says: “I recommend to all” about Mindshifter

This book is so well developed it effortlessly encompasses many genres


I loved the first book and really enjoyed this one too. The mystery in this one was a lot more grim then the first on because it is about human trafficking/slavery. This left me biting my nails for a happy solution for all parties involved well except the bad guys. The story is fast paced and galvanizing. Amy has better control of her powers in this book and has grown from the first one. However there is still room to grow for her which I like. Duncan, Amy’s love interest from the first book, is only in this book a little bit. On the one hand I liked that the plot and Amy’s life didn’t revolve around a guy. On the other hand I am like GIVE ME MORE DUNCAN. It is one of those things an author can not win on. This is another great paranormal urban fantasy mystery. Yeah this book is so well developed it effortlessly encompasses many genres. I recommend to all who love a great read.

T.M.B.A. Corbett, reader and host of TMBA Corbett Tries to Write

“Masterful storytelling,” reviewer says of Timeshifter

“Masterful storytelling,” reviewer says of Timeshifter

If you are looking for a new series, a new group of heroes who bring humor, danger and intrigue to the table, escape into the world of the Weeia


It’s getting blindingly bright at the top of the gem pile for Elle Boca as another of her Weeia series, Unelmoija: Timeshifter makes it to the top of the heap! Amy has garnered ANOTHER power, so when will she give it up and just accept who she is? Heck, to have Duncan and his humor, and charm at my beck and call, I‘d say I could make pigs fly! Hold on tight, for another non-stop adventure where fantasy, family and love make for a fresh twist on a genre that has millions hooked.

As with any new power, Amy has a learning curve to deal with, kind of scary, considering she is dealing with time shifting, but something is just off. Can she trust those around her? Who is working to deceive her? Who wants her gone at any cost? As good versus evil clash again, who will come away with their lives? Now is Amy’s time to step up to the plate, alone or with the support of her loved ones, survival and victory are the goals, is Amy ready?

Elle Boca just keeps on bringing out one powerhouse addition after another for this spellbinding series! Masterful storytelling, dialogue that breathes life into each character and trials and tribulations that would test the meddle of any superhero. Even Grandma and Grandpa get involved as a cure for Amy’s time travel fiascoes are being searched for. Leave it to Elle Boca to toss another twist in, just to keep things riveting!

If you are looking for a new series, a new group of heroes who bring humor, danger and intrigue to the table, escape into the world of the Weeia, after all, they are hiding among us.

Dianne, reviewer and host of Tome Tender Book Blog