Book reviewer features Timeshifter

Book reviewer features Timeshifter

Sabrina, host of, likes to read and review books on her website. She first profiled Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter (see Book reviewer website spotlights Dreamshifter), followed by Unelmoija: The Mindshifter (see Book reviewer website spotlights Mindshifter), Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter (see Book reviewer features Spiritshifter) and most recently Unelmoija: The Timeshifter. Thank you, Sabrina!

Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 3.38.03 PM spotlight of Unelmoija: The Timeshifter – click to enlarge

Sabrina, an eCommerce manger by day, is the mother of three boys. She enjoys reading and reviewing “lots of business strategy and marketing books” and the occasional fiction title. To see the spotlight of Unelmoija: The Timeshifter, book four of the Weeia Miami urban fantasy series, and visit Sabrina’s website go to

Author recommends Dreamshifter for “a fresh and engaging take on urban fantasy or paranormal romance”

Author recommends Dreamshifter for “a fresh and engaging take on urban fantasy or paranormal romance”

Dave Higgins

Combining an interesting twist on the modern world and fast-paced plot with a growing friendship that doesn’t escalate to obsessive commitment in the first book, Boca avoids the clichés of paranormal romance without abandoning the frisson.

Following false accusations of theft, Amy has moved to a new area of Miami. While out jogging she is approached by a man claiming to be the father she thought missing since childhood, who asserts Amy is part of another race. But before she has processed this, they are interrupted by a young man who accuses her father of only using her for a scheme. Knowing she is special, but not who to trust, Amy finds herself caught between warring factions.

Containing no mention of vampires or werewolves, and little similarity to classical Western magic, Boca’s mythology provides the reader with an opportunity to unravel the truth along with the character without any confusion or disappointment from comparisons to other works. In addition to this freshness, the magical structure revealed appears both consistent and plausible.

Both the immediate plot and the wider society created by the addition of this paranormal structure to the modern world are similarly engaging. And – while Amy does rapidly find herself facing a high-powered conspiracy – her involvement grows as a logical result of who she is and how she reacts rather than by constant coincidence.

However, Boca’s narration is more likely to cause readers issues. Using a mixture of close first-person description of events as they happen and brief statements of past events, it bears some similarity to a Shakespearean play: of Amy stepping back from the scene to deliver back-story and thoughts directly to the reader. This is particularly noticeable in the first chapter, which features both Amy’s discovery and use of her dream-shaping powers and the kidnapping of Amy, her mother, and her sister each delivered as a paragraph of fact rather than integrated into the story.

Most unfortunately, much of this information unloaded onto the reader wasn’t necessary to understand the story: while it might be relevant later in the series, Amy’s previous kidnapping didn’t appear connected to specific events and – without resonance – didn’t create a feeling that Amy had been constantly under threat even before her father appeared.

Amy’s portrayal is similarly divided: half of her is a sympathetic character struggling to make choices and find allies in a world she doesn’t fully understand; the other delivers laundry list descriptions of what she and other people are wearing and displays as little actual emotion from her past as her blunt descriptions of it evoke.

Freed of the act of narration, the supporting characters display Boca’s skill at creating interesting stories without the unfortunate distancing effect of talking to camera.

Overall, the reader’s opinion is likely to turn on their stance on internal monologues: a reader who prefers to be immersed in the story is likely to find the narration distracting; whereas, one who is more tolerant of being told facts to serve the story rather than because it is plausible they are mentioned, will appreciate the story and world.

I enjoyed this novel. I recommend it to readers looking for a fresh and engaging take on urban fantasy or paranormal romance.

I received a free copy from the author with no obligation to review.

Dave Higgins, speculative fiction author

Fantasy author says “Boca does a great job of character-development and world-building”

Fantasy author says “Boca does a great job of character-development and world-building”

Madhuri Blaylock, author, The Sanctum Trilogy

What starts as a normal morning for young Amy as she heads out for a run along the Miami waterfront takes an unusual turn when she crosses paths with two men – the father she never knew, Thomas McKnight, and a stranger who both repels and attracts her, Duncan Bittersdorp – and her life is forever changed.

So begins the tale of Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter.

Armed with the knowledge she is Weeia, a superhuman race, and is able to dreamshift, a rare power among her people, Amy suddenly finds herself on the run, hoping to survive whoever and whatever is trying to track and kill her father.

Assisted by Duncan, another Weeia with vast knowledge of the dealings of her father, the two embark on a fast-paced, thrilling journey through the streets, cafes, and estates of Miami, doing their best to keep Amy alive and ahead of whatever danger is lurking around the next corner.

Boca does a great job of character-development and world-building in this introduction to the Weeia, and she lovingly captures life in Miami so intimately that you come away feeling as if the city itself is one of the living, breathing characters in her novel.

While reading Dreamshifter, I figured most readers focus their attention on Amy and Duncan, as they are the center of the action. They are sweet and I thoroughly enjoy their interactions and the energy between them, it’s very natural flow, but they don’t compare to Amy’s father, Thomas McKnight. For me, he was the real intrigue. He’s mysterious, powerful, something about him is rather sinister and honestly, I cannot wait to get more of him in the next books in the series. Interestingly, I’m not certain Amy will be sharing my sentiments.

Boca asks readers if they’re ready for a new kind of fantasy and if your answer is yes, then waste no time and snatch up a copy of Dreamshifter.

Madhuri Blaylock, author, The Sanctum Trilogy

Cover Reveals website features Unelmoija Paradox

Cover Reveals website features Unelmoija Paradox

The Cover Reveals website recently featured the cover and an excerpt of Unelmoija: Paradox, book five of the Miami urban fantasy Weeia Series. With their permission below is a screen capture of their post. Thank you Cover Reveals!

Cover Reveals Paradox

Cover Reveals Unelmoija: Paradox cover reveal – click to enlarge

Cover reveals features covers and excerpts of urban fantasy, paranormal romance and romance. To see the post and visit their website go to

Paranormal romance author site features Paradox, Weeia Series

Paranormal romance author site features Paradox, Weeia Series

Karen Michelle Nutt, author of numerous paranormal, historical or time travel novels, featured Unelmoija: Paradox and the Weeia Series on her website today. With her permission you can see an image below. Thank you Karen Michelle!

KMN Paradox profileUnelmoija: Paradox feature on KMN website – click to enlarge

Karen Michelle Nutt spins tales for The Wild Rose Press, Highland Press, Publishing by Rebecca J. Vickery, Victory Tales Press and Western Trail Blazer. She lives in California with her husband, three children, and a houseful of demanding pets. To visit her website and see the post go to