Author recommends Mindshifter “to readers looking for a fresh and engaging take on urban fantasy”

Author recommends Mindshifter “to readers looking for a fresh and engaging take on urban fantasy”

Another engaging urban fantasy that is both fresh and immediately accessible

Dave Higgins

This novel is the second in the series. As such this review might contain spoilers for Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter.

Amy is the daughter of one of the most feared killers among her people, the Weeia, required to keep her powers hidden from humans under pain of death; but she doesn’t see why that should stop her living an ordinary life. However, when her friend doesn’t come back from a night club, Amy discovers both another part of her past and that humans can be equally brutal as her father.

While it is perhaps somewhat ironic to mention plausibility when discussing fantasy, the Amy’s behaviour following her friend’s disappearance might strike some readers as out of character. Her initial decision to return to the nightclub rather than report the matter feels reasonable: she might have gone home with someone or other innocent reason for not returning, so it might be too soon to make a fuss; however, once there is evidence that something suspicious has happened, deciding to investigate herself with the aid of a Weeia friend rather than involve the authorities – while not utterly without reason – might feel more for the sake of the plot than a natural reaction to circumstance. Once this initial choice has passed, Amy’s continued involvement is, however, driven by entirely plausible motives and reactions.

With the majority of events occurring in human rather than Weeia society, the story is as much about Amy and those Weeia who agree to help her finding ways to use their powers without revealing their existence as it is about recovering her missing friend.

However, the novel also expands the magical world that Boca introduced in the previous book. Amy’s powers have developed in unexpected ways, giving her an unexpected advantage but also attracting the attention of both mysterious forces from her past and those who are concerned over the failure of many young Weeia to develop powers at all.

As with the first volume in the series, the narration has a slight tendency to list people’s clothing and appearance in detail, especially toward the start of the book; as such, the opening might give a false impression of what is a fast-paced story.

Similarly, the reader is presented with the occasional somewhat objective narration of certain past events; but – unlike in the previous book – these are fewer and usually come in direct response to present events, reducing the sense of a narrator providing a history lesson.

Freed of the soliloquies Boca used to set the scene in the first volume, Amy presents as a sympathetic – if somewhat naïve – protagonist. Despite the potential trauma of being a kidnap victim with a hated executioner for the father, she is not prone to fits of moping, making those moments when events do push her hard times readers root for her rather than recall that she has brought it upon herself by becoming a vigilante.

The supporting cast are – as with the previous novel – well-crafted and diverse, with powers and skills seeming parts of a coherent whole rather than bolted on for interest or convenience.

I enjoyed this novel. I recommend it to readers looking for a fresh and engaging take on urban fantasy.

Dave Higgins, speculative fiction author
(see it and other reviews on his website at


“Another shiny gem,” reviewer says of Smells Like Weeia Spirit

“Another shiny gem,” reviewer says of Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Moments of humor, attitude and brilliant dialogue once again will bring start to finish entertainment and adventure when Danni is involved!

Tome Tender Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Tome Tender review of Smells Like Weeia Spirit – click to enlarge

Hidden within the human community are people gifted with “super powers.” To remain under the radar of the “normal” people, the Weeia police their own kind. Danni Metreaux is one of the Weeia Marshals, working out of the Paris office, a fish out of water, the square peg in a world with round holes, a bull set loose in a china shop. But Danni is dedicated, smart, well-trained and a force to be reckoned with when she is on a case.

The latest case to come across her desk smells of trouble, mystery and danger for the entire Weeia community. With her trusty sidekick, the handsome, poised and wealthy Sebastian, must discover what is causing gifted Weeia to go berserk like puppets on the string of crazed masters. Their investigation leads to an exclusive private school and they must face the formidable School Mistress to uncover clues as to why people are dying mysteriously after a rapid but unknown disease and what link it has to the academy.

There may be more to worry about as a Weeia perfumer becomes entangled in a deadly chemical attack and Danni realizes that something is rotten in Paris and the Weeia could be outed to the world. But Danni may not be at her best as she reels from news that will bring our heroine to her emotional knees.

Elle Boca is back with another piece of the saga that is Danni Metreaux’s life. SMELLS LIKE WEEIA SPIRIT not only demands that Danni step up to the plate once again, but to do it with only the support of her partner as she continues to be treated as a second class citizen by both her superior and her underlings. Danni is the heroine you want to cheer for, to hug and to stand up for. Sure she is a little hot-headed, less than diplomatic, but no one is more dedicated to doing the right thing.

Get ready to learn what most humans don’t, there are those among us that have special powers and there is one small woman determined to keep both worlds safe, while hiding her world from danger. Moments of humor, attitude and brilliant dialogue once again will bring start to finish entertainment and adventure when Danni is involved! Another shiny gem form Elle Boca!

Dianne, reviewer and co-host of Tome Tender Book Blog

See the review on her website at

March madness for fantasy lovers

March madness for fantasy lovers

Like Dark Fantasy & Scifi, Epic Fantasy, Fairy Tales and Myths, Paranormal and Romance, Sword and Sorcery, Urban Fantasy or Young Adult books? You’re in luck!

This month fellow author Autumn M. Birt (indie author, conservationist and adventurer) is running a fantasy digital book promo with more than 100 authors offering free digital copies of their books and in some cases newsletter subscriptions. Look for Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia and lots of other fun fantasy titles.

Check it out at

Blogger writes about class, money, privilege and Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Blogger writes about class, money, privilege and Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Truth in Fantasy Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Head of the Class – Click to enlarge

Anne Marvin blogs at, saying, “I’m learning to live authentically in the real world. And to have some fun along the way. I look for truth in paranormal and urban fantasy.” Last year, she wrote a post ( about class and status after beta reading Smells Like Weeia Spirit. With her permission you can read it here (Thank you, Anne!). Find more thought provoking posts about Truth in Fantasy on her website.

I was privileged to be an advance reader for Elle Boca’s Smells Like Weeia Spirit. I’m delighted to report that the book is now live on Amazon and I urge everyone to read it! This is the third story in the Weeia Marshals series, and Danielle Metreaux has been the lead Marshal in Paris for a while now, keeping the superhuman race safe from each other and secret from the regular humans out there who have no idea that the Weeia exist. Danielle has risen above a difficult upbringing and a tarnished family name. She represents a twist on the traditional rags to riches tale, where she is now keeping company with people who once looked down on her socially and economically. Danni struggles to feel like she fits in, and there are plenty of those who want to keep the struggle alive, but also those who seek to include her as one of their own. As Danni navigates the stratified structure of Weeia society in Paris, she encounters different classes of people and people with different levels of class. It’s an interesting subject, class, and one we don’t discuss too often here in the New World. 

Class, money, and privilege tend to be more interconnected in the United States than they are in European countries, for example. Here, one’s class is dependent less on one’s birth than on one’s ability to earn money. There are few impoverished nobles in America, and lots of successful nouveau riche social climbers. And, to add a layer of complexity to this blend of high society and hoi polloi, we can also talk about what it means to have class, not just belong to one. Because being a part of high society or the ranks of the wealthy doesn’t necessarily mean one has any actual class, just as poverty and low birth doesn’t prevent one from having loads of it. 

To me, the epitome of class is one of my childhood friends. Since we were little girls, she has gone out of her way to make everyone comfortable around her. She’s used to a lifestyle and amenities most of us have never experienced. Some in her situation never see those who make her existence what it is—the housekeepers and the waiters and the support staff at every turn. Not my friend; as long as I can remember, she has been inclusive, treating those who can do nothing for her with the same respect and consideration as the CEOs of the companies with whom she deals. I have never seen her look down her patrician nose at anyone. So, while her privilege secures her spot as an upperclassman, it’s her innate class that makes her the lady she is. 

On the other hand, there are lots of folks out there with money and status who consider themselves to be “upper class,” but who have no idea what it means to be “classy.” They delight in stepping on the perceived wet backs of others as they ignore those not of their “class.” Fuck that shit. In the end, people can only make us feel as uncomfortable as we let them. When someone looks down their nose at me, it says a lot more about them than about me—about their insecurities and lack of self-worth, and nothing at all about mine. I know first-hand that money buys neither happiness nor class. It can’t buy intelligence or health, although it can make these pursuits easier and more likely to succeed. It’s hard to be healthy in a food desert or without access to medical care. It’s hard to learn when the instruction is suboptimal and the students apathetic or hostile.

I’m not suggesting that money isn’t advantageous or that a pedigree doesn’t open doors. Although being the true American that I am, I don’t really understand class and pedigree, nor do I have much respect for them. Who gives a shit that one’s ancestors came over on the Mayflower?  That has nothing to do with who their descendants turn out to be. And I know there are certain clubs and groups that pull each other’s puds and circle the wagons lest the bloodlines be diluted by the great unwashed, but I’ve never understood why anyone would want to belong to those elitist institutions in the first place.

Class and social status are just a continuation of the tyranny of the so-called popular kids in school. The Queen Bees and the Wannabes. I figured out early that the best way to win that game was to refuse to play. Exit the game board and find another playground. In high school while the popular girls were being passed around within a tiny bubble of self-aggrandizing beautiful people, I was having the experience of a lifetime with an older boyfriend who introduced me to the world. Now, granted, it was a pretty twisted relationship, but dysfunction is not limited to May-December romances; I’m watching my teenaged sons and their friends doing the dance and there’s not much that’s functional there at all.

Anyhoo, back to self-defining, exclusionary groups that make themselves feel grander by trying to make others feel small. Who would want to join that club? Not me. And definitely not anyone who is comfortable with who they are and what they believe in. Of course, this is not to say that rich, privileged, pedigreed people can’t be warm, wonderful and wise, like my friend. There is nothing precluding them from being comfortable in their own skin. And when they are, they are as gracious and welcoming as anyone else who has found their place in the world. More so, in fact, if they are self-aware enough to understand their good fortune in being born into wealth and privilege, which creates opportunities that not everyone enjoys. Those folks find joy in sharing their good fortune and creating opportunities for others. They define class, in every sense of the word.

It’s good to watch Danni grow and evolve. It reminds me that I can evolve as well, particularly in the realm of being as classy as I can, irrespective of my station or financial status. In this way, we can all go to the head of the class if we so choose.