Unelmoija Series on sale to celebrate new Paris urban fantasy novel release

Unelmoija Series on sale to celebrate new Paris urban fantasy novel release

Unelmoija Series medium

The Weeia are superhuman. They look perfectly normal, but can do extraordinary things. Amy’s dreams become reality and Duncan walks so fast he becomes invisible. Meet them and follow their adventures in the Miami urban fantasy Unelmoija Series.

To celebrate the release of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, the first book in the new Paris urban fantasy Weeia Marshals Series, the Unelmoija Series is on sale for one week only February 18-25, 2016 on Amazon. Scoop up the entire five book series for the regular price of just one book!

“Fantastic!” says reader about Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“Fantastic!” says reader about Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

Fantastic! A true five-star read!

Sheri Wilkinson
Danni completes her Marshal training and is ready to start a new job. She is being sent to Paris, France. Once she gets there she is shocked to learn the place is a wreck. The offices are a mess and unorganized, her boss is a jerk, and the previous Marshall died under suspicious circumstances. It appears this job will be harder than she thought, and a bit dangerous, but Danni is will to face the underworld of Gypsies and tramps and get her job done, no matter what.

Danni is determined to do a great job, no matter what comes her way. The plot is original with drama, action and danger. Danni is very likable and a brave and determined woman. Overall I found Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia intense, fun, and very enjoyable…. a fantastic five-star read. I highly recommend to all.

Sheri A. Wilkinson, reader

Thank you Sheri for posting the first review!

Wild About Bones site features Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

Wild About Bones site features Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia cover reveal

Wild About Bones Cover Reveals featured Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia  – click to enlarge

The kind folks at Wild About Bones Cover Reveals feature covers, blurbs, excerpts, and book trailers for recent, new, and upcoming book releases for select genres free of charge. They have been sharing cover reveals, excerpts and news about the Unelmoija series since the beginning. Today, they highlighted Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, the first book in the new Paris urban fantasy Marshals Series. Thank you Cover Reveals!

With their permission above is a screen capture of their post. To see the cover reveal and excerpt on their site go to http://coverreveals.blogspot.com/2016/01/gypsies-tramps-and-weeia-by-elle-boca.html