“There was so much to like about this book,” reviewer says of Spiritshifter

“There was so much to like about this book,” reviewer says of Spiritshifter

Ashley Tomlinson

This is one of the most creative series’ I have ever read. There is so much detail in this magical world that I wish I lived in it, and that I was a Weeia. This book was lighter and more fun than the two before it, it wasn’t quite so action packed and danger filled. Normally I would be upset by the smaller amount of action but there was more Duncan so that made up for it.

Amy is still trying to figure out everything there is to know about what she is, a Weeia. Along with her boyfriend Duncan and sister Kat they all look into the death of their friend Loi, an amplifier. When it comes to light that Amy may also be an amplifier they realize that she too could be in danger.

Even though there is less action in this book does not mean Amy is in less danger. The poor girl is a danger magnet. At least she has her amazing boyfriend and touch as nails sister to look out for her. Have I mentioned how much I adore Duncan? I was so excited this one had so much more Duncan than the second book, I was going through withdrawals. And Amy and Duncan together are the cutest thing ever. I also liked how many Kat and Amy scenes there were. I’m a big sister so I really enjoyed their bond and appreciate it. Their closeness brought humor to the book which made it more fun to read.

I’ve read so many books that I am automatically suspicious when there is a new character. That goes the same for Vlad. I did not trust him from the minute he was introduced and look forward to see what comes from him in future books. I know he’s not gone yet.

There was so much to like about this book that it’s really difficult to form my thoughts around each thing. This book explained more about Unelmoija and the different forms of Weeia abilities. It was fun to read, had humorous scenes, Amy showed a little more of her badass self and the many Duncan/Amy and Kat/Amy scenes. It delved into the musical atmosphere some which I always think is awesome.

This is just an amazing series and I can’t wait to read more.

Ashley Tomlinson, reader, aspiring author, and host of hyperashley.com

New Paris urban fantasy Goodreads giveaway

New Paris urban fantasy Goodreads giveaway


Open: Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia Goodreads giveaway in multiple countries.

Try your luck to win a copy of the soon to be released Paris urban fantasy from the author of the Unelmoija Series of Miami (South Florida) urban fantasy: http://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/168788-gypsies-tramps-and-weeia?utm_medium=email&utm_source=giveaway_approved

“Unelmoija: The Mindshifter is definitely a must read,” reviewer says

“Unelmoija: The Mindshifter is definitely a must read,” reviewer says

Fast-paced, well-developed, and a stunning new read


Elle Boca’s novels get better and better with each new print. I was highly intrigued after the first novel and now even more so. Unelmoija: The Mindshifter is the most suspensful of her series yet.

So much at stake and so little time. Amy and her friends go out for fun only to have bad things happens. One of them is taken and may disappear forever unless they find her quickly. With two left of the fun trio, time is running out and they must act fast. But now, Amy may have done the unthinkable. Using her powers in front of those who she shouldn’t have. This may cause more trouble and delay in rescuing her friend. Can they rescue their friend before it’s too late or will they loose her forever?

I love suspense and a novel packed with action. There’s enough action and dialogue that will keep readers turning the pages. Fast-paced, well-developed, and a stunning new read that will draw in readers from everywhere. I enjoyed reading this new story by Elle Boca and look forward to reading her next one. Overall, I highly recommend this to all. Unelmoija: The Mindshifter is definitely a must read.

Danielle Urban, Goodreads reviewer