“A great addition to the Weeia universe,” says award-winning fantasy author about In the Garden of Weeia

“A great addition to the Weeia universe,” says award-winning fantasy author about In the Garden of Weeia

A great addition to the Weeia universe

Author Nicholas Rossis

Fans of Boca’s Weeia series (myself included) will be relieved to learn that the story continues, albeit without Amy – aka the Unlemoija. This new story features Ernie, the wiz-kid who got a second chance at life, courtesy of Amy.

To be honest, when I learned that Boca was continuing her series, I was apprehensive. I could not fathom how the story could go on without Unelmoija. Feels like Star Wars without Yoda.

Thankfully, pull it off Boca did.

As I read, I gradually stopped thinking of Amy. Instead, I focused on Ernie; an unlikely miscreant, with a knack for letting his talent lead him into trouble. And by the end, I wanted to dig deeper still into her Weeia world. I devoured the novella within a single hour. I thought it flowed really well, and that it’s a great addition to the Unelmoija universe. Ernie is a fine character, likable despite his flaws, and it was great watching him develop into a well-rounded young man.

I’d love to hear more about Ernie and Amanda, and the Marshals in general, so I hope she keeps that angle going for a few more books. Also, she has a wonderful new baddie in Dak, so I can’t wait until he and Ernie cross paths again.

I received a free copy by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Nicholas Rossis, author Pearseus epic fantasy series

Author says In the Garden of Weeia is “a lovely addition to the Weeia Series”

Author says In the Garden of Weeia is “a lovely addition to the Weeia Series”

A Lovely Addition to the Weeia Series

SA Molteni

In the Garden of Weeia by Elle Boca is a novella length story centered around Ernie, a secondary character in the previous Weeia Series (Unelmoija).

When the last book of the Weeia Series ended, I was sad that the series was complete and still hungry for more. Thankfully, Ms. Boca delivered with this wonderful offering that makes a lovely addition to the Weeia Series.

I do miss Amy and the rest of the Weeia from the previous books. However, I found myself getting very engrossed in this new story which focuses on Ernie after he is dropped off when Amy, Kat and several other Weeia go back in time in the last book of the series, Unelmoija: Paradox.

As the story opens, Ernie gets blamed for a crime that his friends committed. He had only agreed to do some technical work for his cohorts, but humans and other Weeia were harmed and the council decided that Ernie must be punished with something similar to community service. The Marshal Academy is akin to military service and Ernie is tasked with doing all manner of grunt work for cadets, professors and anyone senior to him. He tries to keep his nose clean, but trouble always seems to find him.

During this time, Ernie becomes smitten with Amanda, a girl studying at the Academy. This adds another dimension to the story and Ernie becomes not just a technical geek, but a young man in love as well.

This novella would not be complete without a crisis for Ernie to get involved with and where his technical expertise might just save the day. Although many new questions arise than answers by the end of the book,fans of the original series will not be disappointed in this latest chapter in the Weeia saga.

I was a beta reader for this novella and was given an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

S.A. Molteni, author of several award-winning short stories including Fade to Gray, Her Name Was Half Calf and I.T. Geek to Farm Girl Freak: Leaving High Tech for Greener Pastures. Find her at http://samolteni.blogspot.com/

“My favorite of the series so far,” reader says of Spiritshifter

“My favorite of the series so far,” reader says of Spiritshifter

The underlying budding love between the Amy and Duncan characters is more prevalent

Melissa Manes

Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter picks up where the Mindshifter left off but leans more toward Amy and Duncan’s relationship. While the series is about the Weeia, a group of individuals with abilities that must be kept secret, the underlying budding love between the Amy and Duncan characters is more prevalent here.

This one is my favorite of the series so far.

Melissa Manes, reader

A great book, says reviewer about Paradox

A great book, says reviewer about Paradox

A great book

Kelly Smith

I should note that I have not read the first four books in this series, so starting with book five, I was quite certain I would be lost. Thankfully, that was not the case, as the author recaps nicely throughout the book. It give many spoilers, of course, but it ensures that any reader who sees this book can read it without confusion.

The book itself is not overly long, but there are times when I found it to fall a bit flat when it comes to emotions. This is a character-fueled story, but those characters start to get very two-dimensional after a while, as do many author’s characters when there have been numerous books surrounding them.

I am not sure if this is going to be the last book in the series, but if it is, it is an excellent place to end it. There was closure for all issues the previous books did not solve, and there were still very slight things left unsolved, which I think is necessary: it will keep the readers thinking about your books long after they’ve finished reading them, and allows them to be creative thinking about the things left undone.

Reading this book was a very visual experience, and I honestly felt that I knew the characters personally, which was a nice touch. As I said, my only issue is that there could have been more descriptive action and emotions. A great book, and I just might head over to Amazon and pick up the rest of the series!

4/5–Great work!

Kelly Smith, reviewer

See the original review at her website http://kellysmithreviews.blogspot.com/2015/06/book-review-unelmoija-paradox-by-elle.html

Kelly Smith Reviews Elle interview

Kelly Smith Reviews Elle interview

Kelly Smith, a California book blogger, journalist, and host of Kelly Smith Reviews, recently interviewed Elle. With her permission below is a copy of the interview. Thank you Kelly!

Kelly Smith Reviews interview

Click to enlarge


1. When/why did you decide to become a writer?

I’ve been a non fiction writer all my adult life although I only began writing fiction a few years ago.

2. What authors inspired you when you were younger? What books do you enjoy reading today?

The list is long. Along the way I have enjoyed classic Greek and Roman mythology, literature icons to fiction favs from Robert Ludlum, Wilbur Smith, and Anne Rice to name a few. In the last few years I have been enjoying urban fantasies from the likes of Jim Butcher, Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews, Kelley Armstrong, Patricia Briggs in no particular order. I also like discovering indie authors, especially in urban fantasies. Some authors whose work I read recently include Nicholas Rossis, Effrosyni Moschoudi, Madhuri Blaylock and Teresa Carlson. I also have a long wish list including:  Lilo Abernathy, Tima Maria Lacoba, Sol Mage, Rose Montague, and Theresa Snyder.

3. What was the inspiration behind your Weeia series?

Everything began with Amy. She (in my own head) asked me to tell her story and it blossomed from there. After noticing so many of the fantasy and sci fi movies in the mainstream revolve around men with superpowers and rarely any women with impressive powers I wanted to explore women’s empowerment through a reticent yet very powerful beneficent leader. Amy is the ultimate superhero because she has all the abilities yet she craves none of the power.

4. What are you working on now that the series is done?

I’m working on a Weeia stand alone story titled In the Garden of Weeia about one of the minor characters we met in the series. I’m also working on a follow up series.

5. Foodies are in love with certain aspects of the series. Are you a foodie as well?

I’m so glad you said that! I worry that the food mentions annoy readers…

Guilty as charged. Needless to say I can’t eat the way Duncan and the Weeia do!

6. Were any of the characters personalities or emotions taken from real life?

Certainly real life is always an inspiration although in the stories the characters are an amalgam of borrowed emotions and personalities real and imagined.

7. What other genres would you like to try your hand at?

For now, I have my hands full. One day? Mystery.

8. If you could be any of the characters in the series, who would you be and why?

It’s a difficult question. On the one hand, Amy because she’s so amazing. On the other hand, there is so much weight on her shoulders. Kat, her sister, is a compelling character as well, plus she’s a great warrior.  I could go on…

9. How did you decide what superhuman powers to give each character?

I think of them as abilities like the ones we humans have such as our senses: hearing, sight, smell, etc. The abilities for the main characters seemed to match their personalities or roles in the story. In some cases, they made sense like Amy and Kat’s parents’ abilities. They also related to the four henkis or ability types.

10. Would you like to see as the Weeia series a film franchise or TV series? If yes, who do you want to see play your characters?

Yes, that would be wonderful! Pierce Brosnan could play Amy and Kat’s father. He has the devilish good looks of Thomas McKnight. Although his ready smile might have to disappear for the role, ha, ha. Not sure who would be thin and fast like a runner to play Duncan. I don’t know about Amy. Her character requires a youthful personality yet she is very mature for her age.

11. Where do you see yourself and your career in the next ten years?
That’s a tough one. I hope to have found an audience and be writing new urban fantasies.

12. What would you be doing if you weren’t writing?

I would love to travel the world, go on safari, support conservation programs, especially to protect wildlife or make movies. Oh, you mean for a living? I’m not sure. I’m still finding my voice and evolving…

13. Did you originally plan for this to be a series, or did the narrative just keep going?

It started as a short story or novella and grew to a full length story which flowered into a series of five books.

14. What authors, dead or alive, would you like to collaborate with?
Another tough question! Collaborations are difficult. Wilbur Smith if it had anything to do with Africa. In fantasy, Anne Rice, Jim Butcher, and Ilona Andrews come to mind.

15. Thank you for participating in the interview. Can you please leave the readers with three things that may surprise them about you?

I love chocolate, cake and cookies

I’m a big safari enthusiast

Cape Town is one of my favorite city settings


Find Ms. Boca online via:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/elleboca

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/26277297-elle-boca
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Elle-Boca/e/B00HRCBEYK/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

To read the interview on her site visit http://kellysmithreviews.blogspot.com/2015/06/1.html