Review site features author interview, Paradox cover reveal

Review site features author interview, Paradox cover reveal

Larissa, host of The Howling Turtle, recently featured a Paradox cover reveal and an interview with me. Thank you, Larissa!

Turtle Paradox interview, cover revealThe Howling Turtle interview and Paradox cover reveal – click to enlarg

Larissa, who says books have been a passion of hers her whole life, was four when she told her mother she wanted to be a bookworm when she grew up. Convinced stories have the power to change and touch us in a way few things can, she shares book and author news on her site. To see the interview and cover reveal, and visit her site go to

Author says you will not want to miss Unelmoija: Paradox!

Author says you will not want to miss Unelmoija: Paradox!

Author S.A. Molteni has read all the books of the Miami urban fantasy Weeia Series about superhumans. If you have read her reviews before you may have noticed a nice new photo. Thank you, S.A. and for sharing your thoughts about the book before its official release this week. With her permission, here is what she had to say about the last one due out March 25, Unelmoija: Paradox:

The very best one in the Weeia collection

SA Molteni

Unelmoija: Paradox by Elle Boca is the last book in the Weeia Series and in my opinion, the very best one in the Weeia collection. In this latest novel, new characters are introduced and several characters from the previous books are expunged – some more nicely than others. Most all of the loose ends from the past four books are tied up quite nicely and come together in a surprising ending that gives the reader a tremendous amount of closure. If you have read the entire series up to this point, you will not want to miss Unelmoija: Paradox!

S.A. Molteni is the author of several award-winning short stories including Fade to Gray, Her Name Was Half Calf and A Special Bull. After over 30 years in the IT industry, the systems engineer retired and is a hobby farmer and traveler. You can find her at

Review site profiles Weeia Series, Dreamshifter promo

Review site profiles Weeia Series, Dreamshifter promo

Erin, host of The Readers and a country girl who grew up around livestock, prairie winds and fascinatingly, unique people, featured the Weeia Series and this week’s Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter promotion. Below, with her permission, is a screen capture of the feature. Thank you Erin!

Readers Hollow promo

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She likes to read Dark, Horror, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Historical, Satire, New Adult, Young Adult, Mystery, Thriller, Fantasy (High & Low). To see the original post and visit her website go to

Timeshifter “will captivate and intrigue readers” says librarian reviewer

Timeshifter “will captivate and intrigue readers” says librarian reviewer

Erin Cataldi, avid reader and host of Tragically Dull Adventures of an Almost Librarian, read the print edition of Unelmoija: The Timeshifter as a stand alone book (in other words, without reading the previous three books of the series first). She kindly shared her views on her website, Amazon, Goodreads, Library Thing, Twitter and Pinetrest.

With her permission below is a screencapture (love the artwork on her site!) of her post and the review. Thank you Erin!

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Erin Cataldi

A new adult urban fantasy that will captivate and intrigue readers. While this is the fourth installment in the Weeia series, it also serves as a standalone because it seamlessly catches the reader up to events that happened in the previous novels. Due to a centurion overdose that was administered to Amy in the past, her weeia abilities are on the fritz; she’s more tired than usual and has suddenly been able to timeshift in her sleep. The timeshifting is a HUGE problem for Amy because she can’t control it and if anything happens out of the ordinary it could screw up her entire future. She has to find a cure for the centurion lodged in her brain or she’ll end up screwing her timeline and taking her friends and family with her. Determined to find the source of centurion and maybe a cure, Amy, her sister, and her boyfriend head to Cambodia to try and put a stop to their predicament. Even though time is pressing the trio find time for food, fun, and lots of sightseeing while on their quest. Will they find what they need and will they find it in time? Read to find out more!

For fans of fantasy and adventure.

I received this book free from the author in return for my honest, unbiased review.

Erin Cataldi

She is a self described “Crazy cat lady librarian” from Franklin, Indiana. To see her original post and visit her website go to

Tell your friends – Dreamshifter is on sale this week

Tell your friends – Dreamshifter is on sale this week

You are invited to celebrate the release of Unelmoija: Paradox, the final book in the Miami urban fantasy Weeia Series about superhumans on March 25, 2015, with the purchase for yourself or for a gift of Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter, the first book in the series.

It will be on sale for .99 cents (81 % off the retail price of $4.99) until March 26, 2015. Tell your friends!

Dreamshifter promo

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Click here to buy Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter