The Gal in the Blue Mask shares Paradox cover reveal

The Gal in the Blue Mask shares Paradox cover reveal

Meghan, book-ish blogger at The Gal in the Blue Mask, featured a cover reveal for Unelmoija: Paradox today. Thank you, Meghan!

The Gal in the Blue Mask

The Gal in the Blue Mask Unelmoija: Paradox cover reveal – click to enlarge

An enthusiastic reader and writer, Meghan shares reviews and book news on her site. She is also editor and proprietor of Hyde ‘N’ Seek Editing. See the post and visit her site at

Book reviewer website spotlights Mindshifter

Book reviewer website spotlights Mindshifter

Last week, Sabrina of, a reader and reviewer’s website, published a spotlight of Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter (see Book reviewer website spotlights Dreamshifter). This week, she profiled Unelmoija: The Mindshifter. Thank you, Sabrina! Mindshifter spotlight spotlight of Unelmoija: The Mindshifter – click to enlarge

According to her website, Sabrina is the mother of three boys and an eCommerce manger by day, who enjoys reading and reviewing “lots of business strategy and marketing books” and the occasional fiction title. To see the spotlight of Unelmoija: The Mindshifter, book two of the Weeia Miami urban fantasy series, and visit Sabrina’s website go to

Book reviewer website spotlights Dreamshifter

Book reviewer website spotlights Dreamshifter

Sabrina of, a reader and reviewer’s website, published a spotlight of Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter. Thank you Sabrina!

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Click to enlarge

According to her website, Sabrina is the mother of three boys and an eCommerce manger by day, who enjoys reading and reviewing “lots of business strategy and marketing books” and the occasional fiction title. To see the Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter, book one of the Weeia Miami urban fantasy series, spotlight, and visit Sabrina’s website go to,

Dreamshifter, Weeia Series featured on BYOBook website

Dreamshifter, Weeia Series featured on BYOBook website, a book review website, featured Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter and the rest of the Weeia Series today. Thank you, Amy!

 Click to enlarge

To see the feature including a limited time giveaway visit

What makes Florida manatees so special

What makes Florida manatees so special

For many years I have admired manatees, one of Florida’s most endangered creatures. To share my interest in these marine mammals with readers I even mentioned them in one of the Weeia Series urban fantasy books.

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These gentle creatures should be observed without disrupting their natural behavior, according to Save the Manatee Club, a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) based in Florida –  click to enlarge

I’ve been wanting to show you how special these marine animals are, but my photos from shore don’t display the manatees to their best advantage. Today, I have the pleasure of sharing with you manatee photos courtesy and copyright of (c) Patrick M. Rose, Save the Manatee Club, and the information below about Florida manatees from Janice Nearing, director of Public Relations, Save the Manatee Club in Maitland, Florida. Thank you Janice (and Patrick)!


 A Florida manatee close up – click to enlarge

A large gray creature inhabits Florida’s winding inland rivers, freshwater springs, and salty estuaries and bays. This marine mammal is one of the most gentle and easy going in the entire animal kingdom – the manatee.

Manatees are slow-moving animals. They have no natural enemies, and it is believed they can live 60 years or more. Manatees are endangered and a high number of fatalities are from human-related causes. Most human-related manatee fatalities occur from collisions with watercraft. Other causes include being crushed and/or drowned in canal locks and flood control structures; ingestion of fish hooks, litter, and monofilament line; and entanglement in crab trap lines. Ultimately, loss of habitat is the most serious threat facing manatees in the United States today.

In 1981, Save the Manatee Club, a nonprofit advocacy group, was co-founded by singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett to protect manatees for future generations. Sadly, the manatee population has suffered significant losses in recent years, particularly from cold stress and red tide outbreaks. Learn more about this fascinating animal and adopt-a-manatee at