Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter trailer entered in contest

Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter trailer entered in contest


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Do you enjoy ebook trailers? If so, check out the new Book Trailer Love Fest from Samantha LaFantasie, fantasy author, featuring the ebook trailers of 30 authors, including some USA Today bestsellers. You can watch the trailers, vote in the polls, and share the contest with your friends. The voting is live from February 15th to February 22nd.

A winner will be announced on the February 23rd. Samantha established the “fun, free contest made to support authors!” So hop on over to http://booktrailerlovefest.com and get your vote on! Be sure to look for the 30-second trailer of Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter, book one of the Weeia Series, at the bottom of the page.

Intricate details and wonderful imagination, says reader about Timeshifter

Intricate details and wonderful imagination, says reader about Timeshifter

Reader Lani Houston has finished all the books published so far in my Miami urban fantasy series. Below is her five-star review (with her permission) of Unelmoija: The Timeshifter. Thank you Lani!

Still with her intricate details and wonderful imagination we see thru the characters eyes the beauty


Five stars is not enough for the 4th installment of the Weeia series!!!!! The author takes us from 0 to 60 in a split second throughout the book. Still with her intricate details and wonderful imagination we see thru the characters eyes the beauty of other places.

We are immediately emersed into an action pack scene. Oh! WAIT!!! That was just a dream, but it seemed so real. But everyone notices that Amy is not her usual self. Tired all the time, her actions toward everybody is out of character, having headaches and those realistic dreams. Remembering what her mom had said, Don’t do anything different because it can change the outcome of the future! Now we add the timeshifter ability to Amy’s already many powers.

Mrs. McKnight has a new job as a prominent neuroscientist research. Kat leaves for a visit with her father. With everything that’s going on with Amy, mom decides to take her to work with her so she can run some test. Thinking the machines aren’t working correctly, Amy has spent the day at the research lab redoing test after test. Duncan arrives for a visit and Amy’s diappointed that she couldn’t meet him at the airport. He takes her home so they can fix a meal and wait for mom to come home hoping that she has found out what’s wrong with Amy. During their evening meal mom comes home with the results of the test. The Centurion has localized in Amy’s brain, and mom is going to find the grandparents in hopes of them knowing a cure, Kat is off to visit with her father. Things get steamy and hot between Duncan and Amy while they have the house to themselves. After supper they decide to speedwalk to a friend’s house to water their plants and feed the cat. But during the walk they are abruptly stopped. Did they hit something? Or is it just a glitch in the speedwalking? Or is Amy’s sickness affecting Duncan’s ability?

Mom calls to tell Amy that her grandmother said to drink mint tea. This does help some and the dreams aren’t as scary as they had been.
At the evening meal Kat arrives back home, disappointed because father never show. Talking over the results from the test they know if they can find the Centurion plant and get the toxin, mom can make a serium with it and scorpion toxin. This would help block the Centurion in Amy’s brain. The thressome are off to Cambodia in hopes of finding this rare plant. They get to sightsee but also have an extraordinary adventure where they learn more about Weeias.

This book does leave us with a huge cliffhanger!!! I must say I have gotten so engrossed into the characters that the ending left me defeated, I cried for the tragedy. YES, I said it, I cried!!!! As these characters have developed and the close family bonds are forged, I became a part of them. With this said I still recommend this book and the whole Weeia series for anyone that enjoys young adult, urban fantasy, romance, action adventure, sixpence and paranormal.

Things happen for a reason

Things happen for a reason


My friend Nicholas C. Rossis, author of the recently published children’s book Runaway Smile (which I’m reading) and the Amazon best-selling epic fantasy series, Pearseus, shared this article (and a link to a free copy of the book) I thought might interest you.

Author Nicholas Rossis

I’ve come to realize lately that things happen in their own time. No matter how much I want something, if it’s meant to happen, it will, no effort needed on my part.  Other times, I might want something very much, but no matter how much effort I put into it, it just doesn’t happen – and trust me; this has happened a lot.  Then again, something that I completely ignore might just flourish in front of my eyes, unexpectedly and effortlessly.

Following that, I think about how things have “happened” in my life, leading me to where I am right now.  I studied civil engineering (my dad’s idea of a secure job) and in 1995 I went on to do a PhD in Digital Architecture (the only way for me to link my degree with two of my passions, design and computers).  Hardly a month into the course, a professor asked me out of the blue to make a website for the department, from scratch. He gave me three days to do it; days I spent reading a lot, experimented quite a bit and pulling hair, until I did it, and my first website went live at the end of the 3-day period.

I’ve been working as a web developer for almost 20 years now. I still do, partly because I have to earn a living and partly because I’ve worked so hard to create Istomedia, my company, that I feel like it’s kind of a family member.  Then, a couple of years ago, I realized that I had started losing patience: with clients, projects, designs, programming, the constant need for updating and upgrading and the 6-month life cycle of everything technological.  I turned to writing as a relief, and realized, startled, that it was all I wanted to do.

Every now and again, I wonder whether my studies and everything I have worked for is going to waste.  But I think not: my degree has helped me to study and organize my thoughts.  My PhD taught how to properly research topics, question everything, look for new and different ways to achieve a result.  My work has taught me how to market my book, design its cover, create the ebook file.  Indie publishing requires the same skills: presenting myself and my work to potential clients, networking, promoting my creations, finishing a project within a deadline and a budget etc.

So, at 44, life has brought me where I am. All the things I’ve done, have arguably happened because I need them today.  Which is why I try to practice nowadays what Tao Te Ching calls Wei Wu Wei – actionless action: the art of setting your destination and letting life take you there.  It’s a nice concept, isn’t it?


Find free copies of Pearseus: Schism on Goodreads, and Runaway Smile on his blog: http://nicholasrossis.me/childrens-books/

Nicholas lives in Athens, Greece, at a forest’s edge, with his wife, dog and two very silly cats, one of whom is always sitting on his lap, so please excuse any typos in his blog posts: typing with one hand can be hard. Mercifully, all of his books are professionally edited.

For more about Nicholas and his books visit his blog: http://nicholasrossis.me/, Twitter: www.twitter.com/Nicholas_Rossis, Google+ https://plus.google.com/+NicholasRossis, Facebook: www.facebook.com/NicholasCRossis, Amazcon: http://www.amazon.com/Nicholas-C.-Rossis/e/B00FXXIBZA/

Intricate details and wonderful imagination, says reader about Timeshifter

Another five star review for The Spiritshifter

Check out Lani Houston’s recent five-star review of Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter published here with her permission. Thank you Lani!


Wow! Another five stars must read that I couldn’t lay down! This episode begans where the last book left off. Amy, Duncan, and Kat are at another Youth for Change gathering and almost at once the action begins. Loi, Ann’s husband is found dead by Amy, Duncan, Kat and Ann in a room on the compound. An Elder along with two associates come in and immediately take over the scene. He commands that the young people leave. They are acting like zombies, except Amy, and she’s wondering why??? They move down the hall to an empty room and sit down, Amy is complexed and ask them as to why they are acting so strangely. Completely unaware how to answer her, Amy goes over to a side chair to meditate and dreamshift back into the room unseen by the men so she can observe and listen to their conversation. What does she learn and is it murder or natural causes for Loi’s death?

Amy finds that she has yet several more abilities which cause her, Duncan, Kat and a leader of the Youth for Change to be summons before the Council of Elders. But things DO NOT go as they should, at least not in a world where human rights are most usually upheld. What new family members will they meet in this book? And is Amy’s love for beading going to cause problems? When will Amy and Duncan become more than boyfriend and girlfriend?

Although each book could be a stand alone novella, it’s so much more exciting to began with the first book!!!! I highly recommend these books to anyone that loves urban fantasy, romance, action, and suspense. I can’t rave enough for this talented author and her imagination to weave such a delightful tale(s)!

Intricate details and wonderful imagination, says reader about Timeshifter

I really am enjoying the series of Unelmoija, says reader

Lani Houston’s feedback and her recent five-star review of Unelmoija: The Mindshifter is published here with her permission. Thank you Lani!

Five stars!


Must read to learn the continuing saga of Amy McKnight!!! I’m pleased with the author’s introduction of more strong characters, new locations and delving more into Duncan’s belief toward following the younger generation of Weeias not manifesting peers or minimal at best. Do the Elders have anything to do with this?

We find Amy just starting a much needed vacation after a semester at college, along with her friend and fellow Weeia and another friend that’s human. It doesn’t take long for the action to start as Lilly, the human friend, is kidnapped. Trying to thwart another woman from getting kidnapped, the girls learn they have messed up a sting operation. But it isn’t the police but a group led by Amy’s sister Kat, whom Amy hasn’t see or heard from in over a year. What is this group? And what’s their purpose?

After a horrendous experience the girls are reunited with their mother. She isn’t too pleased with Amy’s life in danger again and even less of what Kat has been doing. With Duncan, (Amy’s love interest?), helping to lighten the mood mom is resigned to the fact her daughters are risk takers!!! Even though Duncan and Amy are considered polar opposites, their bond is very strong. Is romance in the stars for Amy? Is Amy’s new power a help in her most dire situations?

I received a free copy of this book so I could write an honest review.