Unexpected, amazing use of detailed locale and strong characters, says reader about The Dreamshifter

Unexpected, amazing use of detailed locale and strong characters, says reader about The Dreamshifter

Unexpected and amazing use of detailed locale and strong characters


I loved it!!! The characters are strong in their own roles Amy sticks out. I can’t wait to read more about her and how her abilities develops and what she is able to do. Also I enjoy being able to read about the area descriptions. Your imagination is fantastic !

Her review:

5 stars, must read! Unexpected and amazing use of detailed locale and strong characters. I couldn’t put it down!

Amy knows she has a power but as a novice, she really doesn’t understand it. Growing up, Amy’s mother, sister and she was always hiding out or moving. They have already been kidnapped, always warned to stay aware of their surroundings.

Amy has just moved to a new location and decides to go for a run. As she gets near a convenience store she notices a man keeps staring at her. Feeling nervous she decides to confront him, as per his suggestion they find a seat in doors. Already Amy can feel the distaste around this man and knows he wants something from her. What? He announces that he is her father, more questions…

As they raise to leave another man just suddenly appears in front of them. Where did he come from? Who is he and why is his father shielding her from him while having a heated discussion?

What’s going on? Will Amy receive answers to her questions or would that just lead to more questions? This is an on the edge of your seat mystery and well worth reading!!!!

Above is reader Lani Houston’s feedback and her recent five-star review of Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter published here with her permission. Thank you Lani!

Reading Recommendations features Elle Boca, Weeia series

Reading Recommendations features Elle Boca, Weeia series

On her website Reading Recommendations Susan M. Toy, an author herself, promotes traditionally and self-published authors and their work in print and eBooks.

She recently selected Elle’s work for a feature. Below is a copy, with her permission.

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Elle Boca

What is your latest release and what genre is it? Unelmoija: The Timeshifter, book four of the Miami urban fantasy series about superhumans

Quick description: Amy’s past is catching up with her in a way that could only happen to a Weeia. She is drifting in her own timeline and must be careful not to change anything or she may never find her way to a familiar present. Even routine activities like fixing dinner or speedwalking with Duncan are becoming challenges. Will she and her friends solve the mystery in time for Amy to realize her ultimate destiny?


Brief biography:

Elle is the author of the Weeia urban fantasy series set in Miami, Florida in the United States (based on a four county area of real life South Florida). Growing up the only child of a monkey mother and a rabbit father she learned to keep herself entertained and spend time reading.

Elle makes her home with her king cat husband in South Florida. When not writing and creating fantastical beings she likes photographing nature and wildlife, eating baked goods, watching movies, and dreaming of going on safari.

Links to buy Elle’s book:

Amazon – eBook and paperback

Elle’s promo links:

Author website

What are you working on now?

Unelmoija: Paradox – book five in the Miami urban fantasy Weeia series

Elle’s reading recommendation:

The Girl by Madhuri Blaylock

To read the post on Susan’s website at http://readingrecommendations.wordpress.com/2015/01/07/elle-boca/

Five stars – I really loved this book! says fantasy author

Five stars – I really loved this book! says fantasy author

The most recent five star review for Unelmoija: The Dreamsfhiter appeared this week on Amazon. Here is a copy with the reviewer author’s permission (thank you Teresa!)

Great Fantasy Adventure


I really loved this book! It was almost too short – but lucky for me, the next book in the series was already ready and waiting for me!

I thought the story was unique and original, and the characters were well developed. The main protagonist, Amy is very likeable and is presented in such a way that is very true to her age. The author accurately captures her uncertainty and all the feelings that come along with being a teenage girl.

The magical elements were very imaginative (not your run of the mill superpowers), and there were just enough plot twists to keep the story moving – it was a rapid pace, but easy to follow.
Overall a very quick and enjoyable read. I finished it in a weekend and then immediately went and downloaded the next one and will probably continue to do so until I meet the end of this wonderful adventure. I would recommend this to anyone who loves fantasy and/or paranormal books.

Teresa Carlson, self described writer, illustrator, nerd

Reader wonders if we are all special and unique

Reader wonders if we are all special and unique

In December 18, 2014, after reading Unelmoija: The Mindreader, Anne Marvin, who writes her opinions about fantasy fiction at TruthinFantasy.com, was inspired to write a post. In it, she explores some of the ideas from the book, especially the concept of Weeia as superhumans living hidden among humans.

I especially appreciated her words of praise about Unelmoija: The Mindreader: “Ms. Boca has created a very interesting world and I’m enjoying the unfolding of the story and the development of the characters.” Thank you, Anne!

With her permission here’s a copy:

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The Pretenders Sing-Along

I’ve just finished the second book in Elle Boca’s intriguing Unelmoija series, The Mindshifter. Ms. Boca has created a very interesting world and I’m enjoying the unfolding of the story and the development of the characters. As always, my favorite parts of the book involve the deeper themes I’m inspired to contemplate, in this case a variation on the Harry Potter syndrome: the idea that one day we could wake up and find out that we aren’t who we thought we were and that our whole reality has been turned on its head. What would that mean for us? How would we react? And what aspects of our character determine the direction we take upon learning that we are, in fact, more than we feared, and maybe even as much as we’d secretly hoped?

In Ms. Boca’s world, there are individuals go through life not realizing the truth of their identity, and then find out as young adults about their special status as part of the Weeia race. I don’t know about you, but I would have given almost anything to learn that I was extraordinary (in a literal way) when I was growing up (and maybe even after I was grown up). Doesn’t everyone secretly, or not so secretly, yearn to discover how and why he or she is special or unique? Don’t we all want to be exceptional? How great would it be to find out that instead of being Joe Sixpack or Jane Winespritzer, we were actually part of an exclusive club of superhumans?

This situation is similar to a common theme of childhood, one that I remember pondering a great deal when I was young: What if my parents weren’t really my parents and I found out that I was secretly switched at birth and I wasn’t who I thought I was? What if I were really a princess, or a queen, or a fairy (and yes, I had a very active imagination and spent way too much time reading). This would explain, to my childish way of thinking, why I felt so out of place in my family. It would explain my feelings of exclusion and difference. And, as an added bonus, it would also mean that my mother, with whom, as you know, I had such a difficult relationship, wasn’t really my mother. Which was good news in my book. It would have also meant that my beloved father wasn’t related to me, either, but in true kid-like fashion, I tended to gloss over that part of the logical sequence.

Not only that, but if we woke up one day and someone told us we were part of a secret world, it would clarify so many baffling facts—well, at least for me, but maybe you all are more normal than I am. Instead of feeling like a freak or someone who sees life from the outside in, as I did for so many years, especially from my early teens into my late twenties, I could think of myself as part of an ultra-covert, super cool, in-crowd of people like me who I didn’t even know about, but with whom I now belonged.

And if that were true, then I would also be able to validate my secretly-nurtured, barely acknowledged and rarely shared conviction that I really am singular and extraordinary and worthy. That all the rejection and dejection I’ve experienced was just the necessary tempering of the metal to make it stronger before it emerges into the world ready to fulfill its function. Wouldn’t that be something?

And as I write this I realize anew how much I used to yearn for the kind of legitimization that anonymous Weeia in Ms. Boca’s world received upon learning of their previously unknown heritage in the Unelmoija world. I so wanted something or someone outside of myself to tell me that I was more than I feared I was. But here is where truth and fantasy diverge. Beyond the fact that no one in the real world is going to tell us that we are members of a secret race of superhumans (beyond White Supremacists, or other misguided haters, of course), we don’t, in fact, need that to happen.

We are all special and unique and valuable. By virtue of being garden-variety humans, rather than a superhumans, we are part of the club, a member of the in-group. We all get to participate in the privileges and responsibilities of being human. Just plain human. That we don’t feel this way is a tragedy of epic proportions, generated by incompetent parenting as well as the constant comparisons we make about ourselves while being forced to watch artificially enhanced people pretend to be perfect on TV, in the movies and on social media. Sadly, as we strive for a perfection that doesn’t exist in reality, we enter a vicious cycle of inadequacy and self-hatred, leading back to our secret desire to get a letter from Hogwarts telling us that our lives to date have been just the warm up—that the real thing is starting soon, and it will be so much more, so much better than what we have.

Don’t believe it. It isn’t true. Because I’m special. So special. Just ask Chrissie Hynde.

To read the original post go to: http://www.truthinfantasy.com/blog/the-pretenders-sing-along

Perfect read, says author about Timeshifter

Perfect read, says author about Timeshifter

Author S.A. Molteni has read all the books of the Unelmoija Weeia series. Here’s what she had to say about Unelmoija: The Timeshifter:

Shocking Ending!


Unelmoija: The Timeshifter by Elle Boca is the fourth installment in the Weeia Series and one that does not disappoint.

Up to this point, Amy, Kat, Amy’s mom and Amy’s boyfriend, Duncan are thrown into life and death situations. Through all of it, they miraculously survive using their Weeia abilities.

This fourth book begins with Amy’s abilities not working quite right. Duncan and Amy’s family are very worried about Amy and will go to the ends of the Earth to find a cure for her ills. If you have read the series up to now, you would know that Amy was poisoned with centurion in the first book and it is now rearing it’s ugly head once again. The poison is concentrated in her brain, so her mom thinks that it is causing some of her issues.

In the search for a remedy, Duncan, Kat and Amy travel to Cambodia and meet up with other Weeia. Of course, everything is not as it seems and there are Weeia bad guys involved. The group returns to Miami a bit deflated, but hopeful that Amy will finally get better.

Near the end of the book, the world is turned upside down for the group and their lives are endangered once again. But, this time around, will one of them not come back from the brink of death? The answers to this and more are revealed, along with many more new questions being raised about Amy’s newest and most shocking ability. The ending will surprise you and will tug at your heartstrings!

If you love urban fantasy, The Timeshifter is the perfect read and is filled with fantasy, adventure and romance along with comic relief in many places. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

S.A. Molteni is the author of several award-winning short stories including Fade to Gray, Her Name Was Half Calf and A Special Bull. You can find her at http://samolteni.blogspot.com/