Reader shares first review of Unelmoija The Spiritshifter, five stars

Reader shares first review of Unelmoija The Spiritshifter, five stars

Reader Sheri Wilkinson was the first to read and review Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter. Thank you Sheri, for this insightful five-star review!

Sheri Wilkinson

A great Urban fantasy for Y/A & Adult readers, I could not put it down! I was hooked from the first page!

Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter (Weeia, #3) by Elle Boca

In book three of the Weeia series, Amy finds her friend Loi dead. He is an “amplifier” and Amy discovers she may be one too, it is rare for Weeia to have more than one ability. Amy and her boyfriend Duncan, sister Kat and friends decide to go to Miami to get to the truth.

She must stay low profile and hide her identity to try to help the young Weeia and find Loi’s murderer. Her life (and her friends) are in danger, but should she take this risk? Amy is determined to resolve the issue and find her friends murderer at any cost.

I really enjoyed this story, it delves more into Amy’s life. Amy, Duncan & Kat are very likable. Well written and easy to follow, it felt as if I were part of Amy’s group of friends. I feel that Y/A and Adult Urban/Fantasy lovers will enjoy Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter. Plus I loved the cover! A must read!

I also recommend Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter and Unelmoija: The Mindshifter.

Sheri Wilkinson, reader

United Kingdom author site features Unelmoija The Spiritshifter

United Kingdom author site features Unelmoija The Spiritshifter


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United Kingdom author Tony Riches recently featured Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter, book three of the Weeia Series, in The Writing Desk: Writing, support and useful links for writers section of his website. The article is titled Book Launch Guest Post – Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter by Elle Boca.

The Pembrokeshire author “aims to create insightful, relevant content to encourage new writers and support authors with book launches, reviews, guest posts and useful links.” He averages over 7,000 visitors a month, about a third United States and a third Europe, with a growing audience in Australia and the Far East.

Author site features interview with Elle

Author site features interview with Elle


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MM Jaye, a bilingual Greek native who pens contemporary romances, published an interview with Elle in which they discussed Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter and Unelmoija: The Mindshifter, the first two ebooks of the Weeia Miami urban fantasy series, as well as Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter, the third title of the series due out this month. Read the interview at MMJaye writes.

Author gives Unelmoija The Dreamshifter another five star review

Author gives Unelmoija The Dreamshifter another five star review

MM Jaye, a bilingual Greek native who pens contemporary romances, recently read Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter. With her permission, below is her five-star review.


Amy is Weeia. As in belonging to a superhuman race with special abilities. Her upbringing by her single mother has been secluded and full of fear of discovery. She might not know exactly what her abilities are, but one thing she’s fully aware of is the need to remain inconspicuous and keep a low profile. But this doesn’t keep her mysterious, fear-inducing father from tracking her down, or Duncan, her supposed polar opposite, who nevertheless doesn’t repel her at all, to pop right in front of her. They both claim to put her safety before all else. But when she has to deal with an attempt against her life, Amy finds herself more alone than ever. It’s high time she explored those dreamshifting abilities and found out why that old psychic called her Unelmoija, seemingly in awe.

What I particularly appreciated in this book was the very fact I found myself having trouble dealing with in the beginning. The writing. At first, I felt the writing was procedural (or expository if you prefer those terms) but soon I realized that the more Amy grew into her own skin and saw more of the world than her own shadow, the language became richer, more layered, more descriptive; it evolved right along with its main character. I found that ingenious. The story is well-paced, the friendship between Amy and Duncan sweet, but my favorite aspect was the reluctant relationship between Amy and her father whose role in the story is still somewhat of a puzzle.

I loved hopping around Miami through the eyes of Elle Boca. What I felt more vividly than the images were the tantalizing smells. In fact this book should come with a warning: do not read if you’re to go on a diet. Boy, do those people eat…

A fumbling teen who taps into uncharted strengths for survival, her broken family tensions, a superb race’s intricate politics, escalating suspense and lots of southeast Florida. All in all, Dreamshifter is an excellent debut urban fantasy, and I will definitely read its sequel, Mindshifter, to see Amy coming to grips with her reality.