“…so well written…” fantasy author says about Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“…so well written…” fantasy author says about Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

Well Written Mystery

Sharon Stevenson, fantasy author

‘Gypsies, Tramps & Weeia’ is the story of Weeia Marshal Danni as she is sent on assignment to Paris.

This book had a very Nancy Drew sort of vibe to it, with an added dash of fantasy, as the main character is sent to Paris and gets settled in before becoming involved in an investigation that takes a few unexpected turns. The main story is a mystery but there is also a hint of romance as Danni finds herself attracted to two very different men, and there’s also a little bit of action. The setting was so well written that it was easy to immerse myself in the new country Danni finds herself moving to. This seems to be the start of a series so fans of this book will have more to look forward to!

Overall this is a slow burning read that fans of mystery and clean romance should thoroughly enjoy.

Sharon Stevenson, author, The Gallows Novels and After Death Series

In the Garden of Weeia is enjoyable spin-off novella, reader says

In the Garden of Weeia is enjoyable spin-off novella, reader says

“…fast paced and interesting…”


Kirsty. Amethystbookwyrm

Ernie has been given a fresh start but he has fallen in with a wrong crowd. When he has been charged with a crime he didn’t commit, Ernie is sentenced to do grub duty at the Marshals academy for a year. He tries to keep his head down but he cannot resist a challenge and gets swept up in a sinister plot which could cost him his life.

In the Garden of Weeia is the enjoyable spin-off novella set after the events of the Weeia series. It is fast paced and interesting to see the Weeia world without Amy and her family and how much impact they have had on this world. That being said the action in this novella didn’t really happen until late in the story.

Ernie is a likeable character and I felt closer to him than Amy because we are similar as he is geeky, shy, rebellious and quick. However, I was not fully invested in the secondary characters but that is not surprising as it is a novella, and hopefully if Elle decides to continue this story we will get to know more about Amanda, Harry and the Marshals.

In the Garden of Weeia is an enjoyable novella and I hope we will get to see more of Ernie in the future. I would recommend this novella to fans of the Weeia series.

Kirsty, host of Amethyst Bookwyrm Reviews

In the Garden of Weeia is enjoyable spin-off novella, reader says

“My favourite in this series,” reader says of Timeshifter

I am really looking forward to reading Unelmoija: Paradox

Kirsty. Amethystbookwyrm

Amy keeps on having unusual and realistic dreams about her past which seems to be causing problems with her Weeia powers and causing her to be tired all the time. Amy discovers that this is her fourth power as a timeshifter and she has to be careful not to change anything in the past as it may affect her present. Will she, along with her family and boyfriend be able to figure out a way to control her new power before it is too late?

Unelmoija: The Timeshifter is the very enjoyable fourth book in the Weeia series and so far my favourite in this series. I felt there is more in this book, with more romance, adventure, danger and discovery about her powers. However, I did find the book did drag a bit in the middle. The best part of this series is the way the characters are written as they are empathic and dynamic.

Amy is tired and struggling to find out why she is feeling this way, and she is also brave and generous. I really like the loyalty and love from those she is close to, and how they would do anything for each other. Duncan is my favourite character as he is the perfect guy for Amy with his sense of humour, charm and is always there for her but is not too perfect.

This book ended on a massive cliff-hanger and I am really looking forward to reading Unelmoija: Paradox the next and final book in the Weeia series. I would recommend Unelmoija: The Timeshifter to fans of YA paranormal books.

Kirsty, host of Amethyst Bookwyrm Reviews

“One of the best depictions of Paris I have seen,” award winning fantasy author says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“One of the best depictions of Paris I have seen,” award winning fantasy author says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

A fresh YA urban fantasy that fans of the genre shouldn’t miss

Author Nicholas Rossis

When Boca finished her Unlemoija series, I wondered what direction she’d take next. Her Marshal series was a pleasant surprise. It continues building on her imaginative Weeia world, in a way that makes perfect sense. The story continuity alone is impressive, but Boca also manages to throw in a remarkable new heroine. One who’s only too human, despite being a Weeia – and one that emerges all the stronger because of it. From her filthy tobacco-chewing to her occasionally irrational behavior, Danni is a down-to-earth character. A flawed hero who is shaped by her struggles; quite unlike the almost-perfect Unelmoija. That alone makes it easy for readers to identify with.

To me, that was the greatest strength of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, and I find Boca’s choice of her new heroine to be bold and exciting. If you throw in one of the best depictions of Paris I have seen in a while – warts and all – this is a fresh YA urban fantasy that fans of the genre shouldn’t miss. Can’t wait to see where Boca brings Danni next.

Nicholas Rossis, award winning author Pearseus epic fantasy series

“Author Elle Boca strikes a high chord,” reviewer says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“Author Elle Boca strikes a high chord,” reviewer says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

The ending will blow you away

Fran Lewis

The world we live in has people that look like us but are really not. Their outward appearances when walking in the street would not alert you or anyone that they are different, possess powers that we would all like to have and are there for the sole purpose of protecting humans and Weeia alike. But, sometimes things happen and even Weeia are placed in positions of danger and although their lifespan is longer than humans, they are subject to the same dangers we are when someone or something decides to take control and end their lives.

Danni has just passed her test as an advanced Marshall after having dealt with a practical joke played on her by a group called the Purs. Astute, smart and definitely at the top of her class she and the others that passed are about to embark on their new found missions in various locations. But, Danni’s elation and excitement after sharing where her mission will take her with her best friend Marcy and her aunt and uncle is short lived. A secret meeting with the director about the circumstances of the mission, what happened to her predecessors and the reason she was chosen might make someone, but not Danni shudder and think twice before accepting the assignment. Getting her new equipment, learning how to use the new technology Ernie and knowing that she is going to miss him and everyone else, Danni manages to enter the airport, sit on a plane for more hours than anyone would care to and winds up having to find transportation approved of by her bosses and then enters where she will live to find it not quite what you or anyone else would expect to find in Paris. The building was dirty, her apartment once she found it was filled with dust, dirty linens and rodents and not livable plus no plumbing. Hoping to encourage her new boss to fix the problem she finds her way to a hotel for the night hoping to get some solace and relief. But, things are just starting to heat up for Danni and Paris is not going to be the dream job she expected.

Becoming friends with a young man who is into fixing vintage cars and motorcycles keeps her busy while the person in charge of giving her cases seems quite absent. Where is Francois and why isn’t he alerting her to anyone that needs her attention? Learning from the start that she is going to have to be assertive and dominant, she immediately lets the woman in charge of where she is staying that certain things need to be addressed and now. The rodents, the lack of plumbing and her excuses do not hold with Danni but things have not started to happen and the reasons for the deaths of the men that had her position before her still have to come to light.

Tenacious, work oriented and wondering why the list of suspects wanted was not posted she insists that the office be updated with a computer, updated wanted information and in so doing she does come across someone wanted for over twenty years for murder. Going to where this person runs an outside stand she manages to arrest him but since this is not a normal world and people are not what they seem this criminal when arrested leaves her with something deadly. Hoping to gain some respect even though Danni needs a makeover and fashion coordinator to make her appearance more professional and presentable some might say, she finds herself in need of a healer to rid her of the deadly poison this villain managed to inject in her without her realizing it.

Things change after a while and she continues to befriend Alain who allows her to borrow his scooter for transportation and the author gives readers an upfront tour of the entire city allowing us to know that not all of Paris is glitz and glam and that there are seedy parts and some amazing in a city that is special.

Going back to where she arrested the murderer she feels the presence of Weeia and understands that the vendor sold some Weeia powers to gypsies. Danni is commanded to help a man named Monsieur Peracles find out who is sabotaging his bakery business and who is causing his products to go bad. Thinking it’s his competition and with a personality that Danni find offensive she manages to get her points across as she tries to learn the truth.

Investigating she learns the truth behind the products made by the workers in Peracle’s bakery, the real company that now owns and might be responsible for ruining his reputation and the poor quality of the products. Danni springs for having the food tested by several labs and what she learns would give anyone of us food poisoning and a phone call to the Board of Health. But, Danni is not quite done yet and is approached by someone named Berthe to find her uncle who is missing. Dealing with the gypsies is dangerous, finding herself along with her friend Iaen hurt and in need of the healer again. But, Danni is strong, takes down the enemy somehow single handed, is searching for the missing man and the end result just might tie in all in together but how. Let’s not forget Bob, the homeless man and his dog Achilles, whom Danni helps with food and money but who would not take any of the goods from Peracles’s bakery. While is rival makes the best pastries in town his bread is made from old and rancid materials. Why would the new owners do that and what did they hope to gain? Who is really behind it and will the truth ever come out?

While Iaen and Danni try to outfox the gypsies she has to determine whether she can trust him or whether he is setting her up. With the Weeia is wants to rescue drugged and tied up by the gypsies, the bakery problem on hold and a boss who seems ambivalent to solving crimes and getting the bad guys in jail, Danni seems like a one woman force all her own.

As Danni and Iaen discuss the plan and she contacts Francois her boss and Patrick his friend they come up with a plan to rescue the man from the gypsies that is quite unique, clever and forces her boss to use his skills in an operation rather than spending his days having lunch with his dog Ceri. A plan quite intricate that only Danni could develop as we learn that she is a force to be reckoned with and one that I am sure author Elle Boca has plans for in the future.

The plan was quite extensive and the outcome you just won’t believe. Who can be trusted and who will live another day trying to escape the Gypsies, the illusions created by Danni, the plot to destroy the bakery as Danni proves she is smart, astute and not afraid to go that extra powerful mile and use her skills and power for justice. But, who wins and who dies? Will she remain in Paris? The ending will blow you away. Will Francois accept her the way she is and looks or will well you decide if she needs to wear a dress to get the job done?

Secrets are still hidden and the end is far from near, as the final chapter will shock readers when you learn the hidden truth behind what is the fate of one group and that of another. Will Danni survive her new job? Will her boss ever realize that she is an asset? Who is the leader of the Romany for France and what role does this person play?

Author Elle Boca strikes a high chord when she introduces Danni our advanced Marshall to readers letting everyone know she is a total force to be reckoned with and I think she has only just gotten started.

Fran Lewis, Just reviews/MJ Magazine

“Wonderful writing highlights a suspenseful read,” reviewer says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“Wonderful writing highlights a suspenseful read,” reviewer says of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

A Heroine to Want to Know Better

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From Tome Tender Book Blog – click to enlarge

A dedicated, new Weeia Marshal, the stars are still in Danni’s eyes. She has visions of capturing the bad guys and keeping the world safe while keeping humans blissfully ignorant of the Weeia around them. When she receives her first posting in Paris, she discovers there is more to the City of Lights than meets the eye, including the nightmare her new home base is. Alone in a strange country, determined to be a good Marshal and frightfully aware of her weight, appearance and gruff manner, life is a struggle for Danni as her absent boss turns out to be a pompous and judgmental, lazy and indifferent leader. Yet her Weeia senses are on high alert, in spite of the disaster she has “inherited” from her deceased predecessors. Follow one determined and internally fragile young woman as she lives for truth, justice and the Weeia way in this exciting new series by Elle Boca. Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia is one more magnetic read to add to Ms. Boca’s accomplishments.

Do you like intrigue and clearly hidden information, as well as a totally dedicated, rough around the edges young heroine? Danni is easy to love, to want to shelter one minute and then just as easily a force to be reckoned with if you are on the wrong side of the Weeia law. Wonderful writing highlights a suspenseful read as characters come and go, and who is actually a good guy is sometimes in doubt. Rarely does a character come across as so human, even if they are Weeia. Great reading, great plot, great characters…and just a little on the fresh, new and different side?

Dianne, reviewer and host of Tome Tender Book Blog