by Admin | Jan 20, 2016 | Weeia

We’re thrilled to announce the print edition of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, originally scheduled for release February 1, 2016 or after the ebook release, is available for purchase on Amazon today. It is the first book in the new Paris urban fantasy Marshals Series about Weeia superhumans.
Be the first to read it. Click to order your copy today Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia (Weeia Marshals) (Volume 1)
by Admin | Sep 16, 2015 | Weeia

by Admin | Sep 11, 2015 | Weeia
An Enjoyable YA Fantasy

Ernie Satuan is a Weeia, which means he has superhuman abilities. In his case, those abilities pertain to technology and gadgets. Though he is smart, he is a bit too trusting. When he puts his faith in the wrong people, he finds himself punished for a crime he did not commit. He is sent to perform grub work at the Marshals’ Academy, which is similar to being sentenced to military service. Even there, his talents get him in trouble on more than one occasion. He sets about to try and outsmart measures to keep him out of the garden, which has caught his eye. Ernie soon finds himself in the midst of a tangled plot involving the marshals. Will his abilities help or hinder the situation?
This is a YA fantasy novella, which is a spinoff of Boca’s “Weeia” series. However, this book can easily be read and followed as a standalone, as it is the only one I have read at this time. Ernie is a rebellious but truly likable character. He has struggles with his past, which makes him identifiable. Overall, this is an imaginative tale which makes it a fun, quick read.
Leslie McKee, host,, makes her living as an editor and reviewer. She is a member of The Christian PEN, and part of the organization’s newsletter editorial staff. She has reviewed books since 2005, primarily for RT Bookreviews Magazine.
by Admin | Aug 20, 2015 | Unelmoija, Weeia

by Admin | Aug 6, 2015 | Weeia
Enjoyable Spin-off

‘In the Garden of Weeia’ is a novella spin-off from Boca’s Weeia series, featuring interesting new character Ernie.
I found this a quick and enjoyable read, with a character who was almost instantly likeable. It’s the start of a new and intriguing storyline in Boca’s world of super-humans with fantastical powers.
The Marshals Academy was a cool addition to the world of Weeia. I liked that Ernie’s story was drastically different from Boca’s previous main character Amy. The story was really fresh yet maintained the elements of magic that made those first books so unique.
I thought it worked well on it’s own as well as in addition to the series. If you’ve not checked out the series out yet and you love fantasy/superhero tales you should definitely try this out!
Sharon Stevenson, author, The Gallows Novels and After Death Series
by Admin | Jul 5, 2015 | Unelmoija, Weeia
If you have been thinking of reading the Miami urban fantasy Unelmoija series this is the perfect time.
To celebrate the release of In the Garden of Weeia, a Weeia novella, Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter, the first book in the series, is on sale for 80 percent off until July 9, 2015.

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Click here to buy Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter
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