Review says In the Garden of Weeia is “brilliant, the perfect sample of things to come!”

THIS is Great YA Fantasy!

It takes a special talent to pull off carrying on a series minus the main character, especially when that character was written to be an amazing person. Elle Boca has done it with In the Garden of Weeia. A techno geek gets a second chance at a good life, but his abilities make him fair game for trouble and the wrong choices lead Ernie on a downhill slide to the wrong side of the law. Ernie is always up for a good challenge, but this may be one challenge he should pass on. Re-enter the world of the Weeia, through another portal, and be welcomed back by Elle Boca’s amazing creative skills!

We all get that gut flutter when an author ventures in a new direction to a series. Elle Boca not only took the fork on the left, she executed it flawlessly! When an author can shift focus away from the heart of a series and its amazing characters, she has done her work well! Her style is flows, locks on to her readers easily and she deserves a gold star for sharing the spotlight with Ernie, all thanks to Amy, of course!…And to put it down in a novella? brilliant, the perfect sample of things to come!

Dianne, reviewer and host of Tome Tender Book Blog

Reviewer: Mindshifter offers “Fabulous reading for all ages”

More Great YA Reading!

Not sure who I am most impressed with, Elle Boca, the brains and imagination behind our Amy, or Amy herself! Either way, Elle Boca’s Unelmoija: The Mindshifter takes the baton from The Dreamshifter and ramps up the WOW factor a few more degrees, at least! Amy is off for a fun weekend on the sunny beaches of Miami with two of her best friends. Are they in for fun in the sun or will one night clubbing become a nightmare of danger as her human friend is drugged and kidnapped. Determined to find her Lilly, Amy calls on her abilities to help search out her friend’s whereabouts. Do they call her friend’s parents or do they make an all-out effort on their own? Do they risk involving a human, breaking one of the Weeia’s most important rules?

The hunt is on in earnest when their opportunity to nab the kidnapper is interrupted by a group of dark-cloaked vigilantes on a hunt of their own to bring down a group of human slavers and save the girls they have captured. Amy is on a mission and she won’t be stopped, until the leader comes forward and gives Amy another jolt of reality that she NEVER saw coming! If they work together, this gang doesn’t stand a chance, but only the power of the Weeia may find Lilly before it’s too late. Fasten your seatbelts, keep your hands in the car, we are about to head off, full sped into a maze of intrigue and danger as Amy’s true grit is tested and her powers develop. Beware, intrigue and a bumpy ride lay ahead, not the brief vacation the girls wanted, but a frightening journey into the dark and seedy side of life, Miami and human trafficking.

Proof positive that Elle Boca can write and keep it inside the lines of the YA fantasy genre. Again, with great care and surprising twists, this tale comes to life at the hands of this talented author who knows how to place each word in just the “write” order to evoke a sense of urgency, while continuing to breathe life into each of her characters. Great dialogue, action that is nonstop, and new discoveries make Unelmoija: The Mindshifter fabulous reading for ALL ages!

Dianne, reviewer and host of Tome Tender Book Blog

“A Real Hidden Gem!” reviewer says about Dreamshifter

Welcome to a fresh YA fantasy tale-A Real Hidden Gem!

Young adult urban fantasy, magical moments, amazing discoveries and sometimes its luck of the draw that it has a heroine that makes for the perfect role model for impressionable minds. Get ready to meet Amy, intelligent, down to earth, and now the proud owner of unusual powers! Where did they come from? Are they real? It’s always been just Amy, her mother and her sister, always living under the radar, secluded in their personal cocoon by the sunny beaches of Miami. When a mysterious and rather foreboding man interrupts her morning run with the news that he is her father, the final piece is in place to change her life forever, especially as she has become the target of death from supernatural people called the Weeia, her people, her father’s people, and her adventure begins.

Welcome to the fresh YA fantasy tale Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter by Elle Boca! Get ready for danger, mysteries and Amy’s new life a she learns of her own talent, dreamshifting and the possibilities it holds. So why would she become a target for death? It seems her father is a strong elder, and many Weeia have reason to seek revenge against him. Enter Duncan, a Weeia whose power is speed, or at least that is the end result. Duncan is no fan of her father’s, but he vows to keep Amy safe. The bonus? These two become great friends, their humor and snark making chuckle-worthy reading. Will they move beyond friends and into a relationship? Danger is lurking all around them and only their complete trust in each other may save Amy from death. Is it more than a vendetta against her father? Parents, they hold back when they should be open and honest…Can Amy handle all of these changes?

Elle Boca, take your shiny gem and move it to the top of the hidden gem pile! Excellent writing, characters that leap off the pages with natural dialogue, low angst and an entirely new hidden group living among humans! From start to finish, I was in love with this tale, which is almost like a tour guide around Miami!

Dianne, reviewer and host of Tome Tenderly Book Blog

Unelmoija: Paradox print copy Goodreads giveaway open until Friday July 17

Unelmoija: Paradox print copy Goodreads giveaway open until Friday July 17

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Goodreads Book Giveaway

Unelmoija by Elle Boca


by Elle Boca

Giveaway ends July 17, 2015.

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