Why blogger’s post centered on Weeia on My Mind

Why blogger’s post centered on Weeia on My Mind

Anne Marvin blogs at Truthinfantasy.com, saying, “I’m learning to live authentically in the real world. And to have some fun along the way. I look for truth in paranormal and urban fantasy.” She recently wrote a post (truthinfantasy.com/blog/the-office/) in which she mentioned Weeia on My Mind. With her permission you can read it here. Find more thought provoking posts about Truth in Fantasy on her website.

Truth in Fantasy - The Office

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I just finished Elle Boca’s Weeia on My Mind. Excellent read. I found myself turning pages quickly to see how it all got resolved. But what really struck me about the book was Ms. Boca’s remarkable attention to detail and her close, totally on-point observations. Particularly with respect to a topic I thought I’d forgotten, but which came rushing back like the tide at full moon when I was reading this novel. Ms. Boca has perfectly captured the ins and outs of office life. I’m not sure if it’s depressing or inspiring to know that even a race of superhumans struggles with the office two-step, dancing quickly to climb the corporate ladder, keep others from flinging us down and avoid getting stepped on.

Weeia on My Mind is written from the perspective of young Danni Metreaux, a Weeia law enforcement officer recently transferred to Paris, her requested posting. Once she gets there, however, she is confronted with several familiar figures in offices across the globe and across time:  the long-standing, do-nothing bureaucrat who resents the presence of personnel who actually want to work and the obstructionist assistant/secretary/office manger who makes life as difficult as possible for those same folk who are just trying to get shit done.  Anyone who’s ever worked in an office knows who I’m taking about. These characters and the situations they create were drawn so faithfully that the lines between truth and fantasy were very blurred, as they often are in my beloved genre.

In the book, Danni desperately wants to seem professional and knowledgeable. She wants to make her mark. Like all of us who’ve been newbies in a corporate environment, we know, like Danni, that appearances count, that our behavior is being scrutinized and commented on, and that everything we do is being analyzed by an electron microscope. All of which makes it brutally difficult to fit in while simultaneously standing out. Which is the name of the game in The Office, no matter where it is or what it does or makes.

Like the rest of us, Danni struggles to juggle the requirements, explicit and implicit, of the chain of command.  We need to make our bosses look good. But we can’t show them up. We need to ensure that we’re asking for permission before we go off half cocked, thinking we know what to do, but we need to demonstrate independent thinking and initiative.  We need to first, do no harm, but also do what needs to be done. It’s exhausting.

Then there is the problem of our place in the hierarchy. Offices are the most structured, hierarchical environments in the universe. Submarines have nothing on a well-established office. With this hierarchy comes a need to understand how to behave with superiors, subordinates and colleagues alike. Forgetting our place is a mortal sin in The Office.  We’re expected to be graciously subservient to those above us; firm but fair with those below us; and we need to be overtly friendly while hiding the sub rosa machinations going on as we try to outshine our competitors, otherwise known as our peers. Totally draining.

And what about what happens when work relationships become personal–as in friendships and romances?  If we’re working 60-70 hours a week, we’re spending more time with our fellow workers than with anyone else. Relationships happen, whether we want them to or not, and whether they are permitted or not. I was frankly shocked that Danni didn’t develop a more-than-professional interest in her new protégé. Sebastian is smart, hot, and rich. They do become friends, which is nice, and predictable insofar as the real world is concerned. It could have gone the other way, which leads to all sorts of contortions while people try to hide their forbidden office romances. I’ve kept more of these kinds of secrets than any other. And I worked in a classified environment for twenty years.

And finally, Danni has to deal with the “We-Be’s,” a particularly nasty sub-species of office dwellers who will screw you up every time. These are the folks with the lovely attitude that says, “We be here when you come and we be here when you go.  Ain’t nothing you can do to us or for us, so fuck off.”  I’m pretty sure that is a direct quote. These troglodytes are in the trenches, and it’s almost impossible to extricate them. And they can make our lives a living hell, if they so desire. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

There are others from Satan’s headquarters who can make life fairly toasty as well. I’m talking about bosses from hell, including the ragers, the gropers, the mouth-breathers and the tyrants.  There is nothing worse than a bad boss.  I’ve been blessed in my professional life; mostly, I’ve had bosses from Heaven. The only one from Down Under eventually came around and joined the side of the angels—and we became good friends. I would have lost that bet.

And all of these memories of my corporate life as a national security contractor came pouring in as I read Elle Boca’s latest offering. These are bittersweet memories, as I don’t really miss office life, but I do sometimes miss the intensity, the structure, the shared sense of purpose and responsibility and the camaraderie of working in an office environment. But I think I will stroll down memory lane with my beloved books, rather than in real life. Truth is sometimes more palatable in fantasy than in reality. Thanks, Elle Boca, for the great read and the fun ride.

“…an enjoyable urban fantasy book,” says reader about Weeia on My Mind

“…an enjoyable urban fantasy book,” says reader about Weeia on My Mind

This story has mystery, action and romance
Kirsty. Amethystbookwyrm
Weeia on my Mind is the second book in the Weeia Marshals series, which is an enjoyable Urban fantasy book. This story has mystery, action and romance and while mostly predictable there were a few twists I did not see coming. However, I get the feeling that Elle is not sure how she wants the series to progress, I could be wrong though, but it doesn’t feel as if it is working towards an end point like her previous series was.

Danni feels more secure in herself in this book and is determined to do a good job and to protect those in need, and is also short tempered and observant. Sebastien is considerate, friendly and easy-going but I was not sure if he was trustworthy as he seemed too perfect. I am glad Iaen is in this book but I hope in the future he is more part of the story instead of just the love interest.

I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. I would recommend Weeia on my Mind to fans of the first book in the Weeia Marshals series Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia and those who enjoyed the Unelmoija series.

Kirsty, host of Amethyst Bookwyrm Reviews

“A tale that is magnetic from start to finish,” reviewer says of Weeia on My Mind

“A tale that is magnetic from start to finish,” reviewer says of Weeia on My Mind

Another adventure in the life of the most underrated heroine in town

Tome Tender Weeia on My Mind

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Weeia Marshal, Danni Metreaux, our own snarky little misfit in Paris has once again found herself neck deep in danger. Instead of the usual lack of an ally, she finds she has become a trainer for a handsome young marshal who knows the lay of the land in Gay Paree, of course the land he comes from is paved with gold while our Danni is constantly reminded of her poor upbringing and the stigma associated with her family name. Instead of finding another Parisian Weeia to ignore her, make her job twice as hard and pretty much make her a pariah, he is helpful, sincere and quite talented, not to mention he has an in with the Weeia high society.

Someone is terrorizing merchants for “protection” money and humans are their pawns to do their bidding, if that isn’t enough, priceless art has been stolen from the home of a wealthy Weeia family. With the help of her new “student” and the strength to endure from her new love, Danni does what she does best, dig in and dig deep. Will she be able to save humans and Weeia alike?

Elle Boca’s Weeia on My Mind is another adventure in the life of the most underrated heroine in town. Ms.Boca has pulled another fantastic tale of the super natural from her growing magical bag of tricks. Heartwarming at times, full of mystery and adventure and even a little romance, it’s about time our Danni has some happiness in her life. Danni is the heroine who seems to stand alone, and it makes her all the more endearing to watch her stamina after watching her being treated as less than the woman she is. Fabulous reading, characters you love to hate and Danni, all wrapped up in a tale that is magnetic from start to finish. Ms. Boca has put her stamp on this tale and it glows!

Dianne, reviewer and co-host of Tome Tender Book Blog

“The author’s style of writing, descriptive language, and good pace pulled me in,” says reader about Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

“The author’s style of writing, descriptive language, and good pace pulled me in,” says reader about Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

Pulled me in


The author’s style of writing, descriptive language, and good pace pulled me in early in the book.

Although some commas would have increased my reading speed, and more editing for typos and correcting one unintelligible sentence would improve this book, I found the characters well developed, the plots engaging and not overly complex.

It made me excited to learn more about the hidden race of Weeia walking among us. (If only!)

The small increments of growth shown by the characters seemed plausible and encouraging. I look forward to the next book and Danni’s continuing adventures.

Janie b, reader

Enter giveaway for chance to win your very own copy of Weeia on My Mind

Enter giveaway for chance to win your very own copy of Weeia on My Mind

Enter now for a chance to win a paperback copy of Weeia on My Mind, a Paris urban fantasy novella by Elle Boca.

Weeia on My Mind

Weeia on My Mind

Click here to buy Weeia on My Mind (The Weeia Marshals Book 2)

Paris marshal Danni Metreaux has her hands full with criminals preying on a local Weeia merchant, a fresh trainee and the happy distraction of a new love interest. Her instincts are telling her that a powerful Weeia has been forcing humans to commit a series of crimes, and wiping their victim’s memories, leaving them to human justice. Will Danni be able to discover who is behind the crimes and stop them without losing her own mind?

Have you been eager for more about the Weeia after reading Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia? Weeia on My Mind, book two of the Marshals Series Paris urban fantasy series, may be just want you are looking for right now. Or perhaps you read the e-book already and would like to own a print edition.

Here is your chance to win a free copy of Weeia on My Mind by entering the Goodreads giveaway open to members in the following countries: US, CA, GB, AU, AT, BE, DK, FI, FR, DE, GR, GD, GP, HK, IS, IE, IL, JP, LI, LU, MQ, MC, NL, AN, NZ, NO, KN, MF, SG, ES, SE, CH, TC, VG, and VI.

The giveaway is open until October 2, 2016. It’s free to enter and already more than 282 of your fellow Weeia fans have done it.

What are you waiting for? Enter today at Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/200135-weeia-on-my-mind