by Admin | Nov 8, 2018 | Weeia

Noelle from the Rosie Amber review website read and reviewed Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia. With the website’s permission below is the review. Thank you Rosie Amber and Noelle!
Elle Boca is the prolific author of seven books about Weeia, and three in the Marshalls series, of which this is the first. Although I have not read the previous books, it was easy to immerse myself in this one.
The Weeia look like normal humans but they possess special powers for the sole purpose of protecting humans and Weeia alike. Their lifespan is longer than humans, but they are subject to the same dangers. Marshalls are trained to police Weeia hiding among humans.
At the opening of this story Danni Metraeux, who, while constantly bullied at the academy, completes her final exam and becomes a level 3 Marshall. The bullying is the result of something that happened to her family, but it’s not explained, so I was left wondering exactly what had marked her. Expecting to be given an assignment in a backwater place, Danni instead receives a plum assignment to Paris. Arriving there, she discovers why the assignment isn’t plum: her housing is less than substandard, her immediate superior isn’t interested in working with her, and her predecessors all died.
Nevertheless, Danni, who is strong, persistent and inventive, gradually overcomes all the negatives and finally – one her own – discovers a purpose for her being in Paris: to find a missing Weeia man in the underworld of gypsies and tramps who also populate the city.
The author does a good job of creating a three-dimensional protagonist with special powers and a whole host of tangential characters: a sort-of boyfriend named Ernie, who as second to the school’s Weapon Master, supplies her with the weapons she needs for her work; her BFF Marla, with whom she can share her troubles, both at school and in Paris; Odile Marmotte, an overly-made up matriarch who handles the day to day affairs of Weeia Marshals and is largely dismissive of Danni until Danni stands up to her; and the handsome Alain, who takes her on a tour of Paris on a motorbike, introducing her to the city. Of course, there is also Paris, and the author makes the city real and immediate.
In Paris, Danni comes into her own, as her growing powers allow her to be successful. I did like the paranormal aspects of the Weeia and enjoyed this world the author created.
There were a few issues for me, in addition to wondering about Danni’s parents. The pacing of the book was somewhat uneven. The testing of new marshals at the beginning started the book at a good pace but was followed by a lot of background information slowing the story. The tempo finally picked up around the middle of the book. The author does a great job with action scenes – I just wish there were more of them!
This book will definitely appeal to readers interested in the colorful world of a paranormal race, and there are two more books in this series.
Book description
Sworn to protect the secrets of their race, marshals are trained to police Weeia hiding among humans. After completing her advanced marshal training, Danni is blown away by her new plum assignment to Paris. But, all is not well in the City of Lights; the offices are a shambles, her boss is apathetic, and her predecessors died under mysterious circumstances; it’s almost like somebody doesn’t want the law there. Despite that she risks her life in the seedy underworld of gypsies and tramps to search for a missing Weeia man.
Rosie Amber reviews “nearly all the books that I read, and post to Goodreads and Amazon US and UK.” Aside from her blog, she posts reviews on Facebook and Twitter and does 90 second YouTube book reviews. Read the original review at
by Admin | Nov 7, 2018 | Weeia
My favorite one to date

The third installment in the Weeia Marshal’s series is where the novels really seem to hit their stride.
Danni Metreaux is finally in her element as the Paris Marshal, she knows the city, it’s weeia residents and has gotten the hang of having a partner. Smells Like Weeia Spirit starts off with some unexpected guests. A Syrian mother and her two children have come to Danni seeking asylum, unsure of the protocol she houses them in her old apartment despite her bosses orders. Soon after that a weeia healer calls saying that someone has died under mysterious circumstances. To top it all off, a pushy headmistress calls and demands the marshals help with some weird incidents occurring at her elite weeia school. Danni and Sebastian can’t catch a break, there is hardly any down time (although they do find some time for some delicious french cuisine). As if they didn’t have enough on their plate there are odd reports of other weeias acting strange and showing off their superpowers in public. Are all these events related? Can Danni keep her boss and her conscious happy? Is the solution to their problems right under their nose?
A wonderful installment and honestly probably my favorite one to date. Elle Boca goes above with her descriptions of Paris, the food, and their culture. Truly a pleasure to read and contains a nice little mystery.
Erin Cataldi, librarian and reviewer
See original post on her website at
Click to buy Smells Like Weeia Spirit (The Weeia Marshals Book 3)
by Admin | May 31, 2018 | Weeia
On May 19, 2018 Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore featured Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia on Smorgasbord – Variety is the Spice of Life. Below, with her permission, is a copy of the feature. Thank you, Sally!

Click to enlarge
Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – New on the shelves – Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia (The Weeia Marshals Book 1) by Elle Boca
Posted on May 19, 2018 by Smorgasbord – Variety is the Spice of Life.
Delighted to welcome Elle Boca to the cafe and bookstore with The Weeia Marshals Series.. Beginning with book one.. Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia….
About Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia
Sworn to protect the secrets of their race, marshals are trained to police Weeia hiding among humans. After completing her advanced marshal training, Danni is blown away by her new plum assignment to Paris. But, all is not well in the City of Lights; the offices are a shambles, her boss is apathetic, and her predecessors died under mysterious circumstances; it’s almost like somebody doesn’t want the law there. Despite that she risks her life in the seedy underworld of gypsies and tramps to search for a missing Weeia man.
One of the reviews for the book
Fun Tale By Angela Kay on December 21, 2016
Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia started out with the examination of a young Weeia girl, Danni, who needs to pass in order to become the next level marshal. Weeia is creatures who appear like humans at first glance, but should they gather in a crowd, they’d stand out too much from distinctive features. They possess special powers for the purpose of protecting both humans and Weeia.
When the story opens, we find that Danni’s family makes it hard to build a name for herself. Aside from a couple of faithful friends, Danni is basically paying for the sins of her family. She wants nothing more than to prove that she’s worth a second glance. She finds that chance in her first assignment: Paris.
Having never been to Paris before, I felt as though I was right there. The idea of having the first assignment in Paris can make anyone walk in an excited daze. However, Danni’s excitement is short-lived when she arrives at a dirty apartment, her boss doesn’t care to meet her and she’s stuck trying to orient herself in a new, strange place. But that won’t last for too long–soon, she will be swept up in an adventure of a lifetime.
The plot was well thought-out, characters three-dimensional. I truly enjoyed this fantasy story because it was different than most that I’ve read. There were a few problems in the editing but still didn’t keep me from becoming immersed in this wonderful tale of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia.
Read the reviews and buy the book:
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Other books by Elle Boca
One of the reviews for Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter (Weeia #1) on Goodreads.
Feb 25, 2014 Nicholas Rossis rated it Five Stars.
I don’t know what I expected when I read Unelmoija, the Dreamshifter. Probably another coming-of-age, young adult story. Instead, I was treated to an endearing, rich tale, expertly written, with many twists and surprises that made me finish it in a single weekend, unable to put it down. Boca’s writing is sharp and witty, much like Amy, her lovable heroine. It’s hard to believe this is her debut novel, first in the series.
I loved the clearly defined characters, and particularly how she avoided using a cliched “good vs. bad” approach to them. Her nuanced descriptions add much to the story, as does her constant mentions of food that reminded me of Camilleri’s books.
I’m now off to read the next book in the series, the Mindshifter…
Read the reviews and buy all the books:
And Amazon UK:
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About Elle Boca
Elle is the author of the Weeia urban fantasy series about superhumans. The Unelmoija series is set in Miami. In the Garden of Weeia, a novella, is set in Portland, Maine, and her newest Marshals Series is set in Paris, France. Growing up the only child of a monkey mother and a rabbit father she learned to keep herself entertained and spend time reading.
Unelmoija Series Miami urban fantasy – Unelmoija: The Dreamshifter, Unelmoija: The Mindshifter, Unelmoija: The Spiritshifter, Unelmoija: The Timeshifter, Unelmoija: Paradox
Portland, Maine urban fantasy novella – In the Garden of Weeia
Marshals Series Paris urban fantasy – Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, Weeia on My Mind, Smells Like Weeia Spirit
Connect to Elle Boca
Author website –
Twitter –
Thank you for dropping in today and please help spread the news about Elle’s books.. thanks Sally
Author Sally G. Cronin, host of Smorgasbord Invitation, lists the work of fellow authors on her virtual bookshelf. She has written short stories and poetry since a very young age and went ‘Indie’ in 1998. She combined her retraining as a nutritional therapist with her love of writing in her first book Size Matters, which tells the story of her journey from a very overweight 24 stone – 330 pounds to a slimm-ish and healthier individual.
See the original post on her website at
by Admin | Mar 6, 2018 | Weeia
Moments of humor, attitude and brilliant dialogue once again will bring start to finish entertainment and adventure when Danni is involved!

Tome Tender review of Smells Like Weeia Spirit – click to enlarge
Hidden within the human community are people gifted with “super powers.” To remain under the radar of the “normal” people, the Weeia police their own kind. Danni Metreaux is one of the Weeia Marshals, working out of the Paris office, a fish out of water, the square peg in a world with round holes, a bull set loose in a china shop. But Danni is dedicated, smart, well-trained and a force to be reckoned with when she is on a case.
The latest case to come across her desk smells of trouble, mystery and danger for the entire Weeia community. With her trusty sidekick, the handsome, poised and wealthy Sebastian, must discover what is causing gifted Weeia to go berserk like puppets on the string of crazed masters. Their investigation leads to an exclusive private school and they must face the formidable School Mistress to uncover clues as to why people are dying mysteriously after a rapid but unknown disease and what link it has to the academy.
There may be more to worry about as a Weeia perfumer becomes entangled in a deadly chemical attack and Danni realizes that something is rotten in Paris and the Weeia could be outed to the world. But Danni may not be at her best as she reels from news that will bring our heroine to her emotional knees.
Elle Boca is back with another piece of the saga that is Danni Metreaux’s life. SMELLS LIKE WEEIA SPIRIT not only demands that Danni step up to the plate once again, but to do it with only the support of her partner as she continues to be treated as a second class citizen by both her superior and her underlings. Danni is the heroine you want to cheer for, to hug and to stand up for. Sure she is a little hot-headed, less than diplomatic, but no one is more dedicated to doing the right thing.
Get ready to learn what most humans don’t, there are those among us that have special powers and there is one small woman determined to keep both worlds safe, while hiding her world from danger. Moments of humor, attitude and brilliant dialogue once again will bring start to finish entertainment and adventure when Danni is involved! Another shiny gem form Elle Boca!
Dianne, reviewer and co-host of Tome Tender Book Blog
See the review on her website at
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