Blogger writes about class, money, privilege and Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Blogger writes about class, money, privilege and Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Truth in Fantasy Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Head of the Class – Click to enlarge

Anne Marvin blogs at, saying, “I’m learning to live authentically in the real world. And to have some fun along the way. I look for truth in paranormal and urban fantasy.” Last year, she wrote a post ( about class and status after beta reading Smells Like Weeia Spirit. With her permission you can read it here (Thank you, Anne!). Find more thought provoking posts about Truth in Fantasy on her website.

I was privileged to be an advance reader for Elle Boca’s Smells Like Weeia Spirit. I’m delighted to report that the book is now live on Amazon and I urge everyone to read it! This is the third story in the Weeia Marshals series, and Danielle Metreaux has been the lead Marshal in Paris for a while now, keeping the superhuman race safe from each other and secret from the regular humans out there who have no idea that the Weeia exist. Danielle has risen above a difficult upbringing and a tarnished family name. She represents a twist on the traditional rags to riches tale, where she is now keeping company with people who once looked down on her socially and economically. Danni struggles to feel like she fits in, and there are plenty of those who want to keep the struggle alive, but also those who seek to include her as one of their own. As Danni navigates the stratified structure of Weeia society in Paris, she encounters different classes of people and people with different levels of class. It’s an interesting subject, class, and one we don’t discuss too often here in the New World. 

Class, money, and privilege tend to be more interconnected in the United States than they are in European countries, for example. Here, one’s class is dependent less on one’s birth than on one’s ability to earn money. There are few impoverished nobles in America, and lots of successful nouveau riche social climbers. And, to add a layer of complexity to this blend of high society and hoi polloi, we can also talk about what it means to have class, not just belong to one. Because being a part of high society or the ranks of the wealthy doesn’t necessarily mean one has any actual class, just as poverty and low birth doesn’t prevent one from having loads of it. 

To me, the epitome of class is one of my childhood friends. Since we were little girls, she has gone out of her way to make everyone comfortable around her. She’s used to a lifestyle and amenities most of us have never experienced. Some in her situation never see those who make her existence what it is—the housekeepers and the waiters and the support staff at every turn. Not my friend; as long as I can remember, she has been inclusive, treating those who can do nothing for her with the same respect and consideration as the CEOs of the companies with whom she deals. I have never seen her look down her patrician nose at anyone. So, while her privilege secures her spot as an upperclassman, it’s her innate class that makes her the lady she is. 

On the other hand, there are lots of folks out there with money and status who consider themselves to be “upper class,” but who have no idea what it means to be “classy.” They delight in stepping on the perceived wet backs of others as they ignore those not of their “class.” Fuck that shit. In the end, people can only make us feel as uncomfortable as we let them. When someone looks down their nose at me, it says a lot more about them than about me—about their insecurities and lack of self-worth, and nothing at all about mine. I know first-hand that money buys neither happiness nor class. It can’t buy intelligence or health, although it can make these pursuits easier and more likely to succeed. It’s hard to be healthy in a food desert or without access to medical care. It’s hard to learn when the instruction is suboptimal and the students apathetic or hostile.

I’m not suggesting that money isn’t advantageous or that a pedigree doesn’t open doors. Although being the true American that I am, I don’t really understand class and pedigree, nor do I have much respect for them. Who gives a shit that one’s ancestors came over on the Mayflower?  That has nothing to do with who their descendants turn out to be. And I know there are certain clubs and groups that pull each other’s puds and circle the wagons lest the bloodlines be diluted by the great unwashed, but I’ve never understood why anyone would want to belong to those elitist institutions in the first place.

Class and social status are just a continuation of the tyranny of the so-called popular kids in school. The Queen Bees and the Wannabes. I figured out early that the best way to win that game was to refuse to play. Exit the game board and find another playground. In high school while the popular girls were being passed around within a tiny bubble of self-aggrandizing beautiful people, I was having the experience of a lifetime with an older boyfriend who introduced me to the world. Now, granted, it was a pretty twisted relationship, but dysfunction is not limited to May-December romances; I’m watching my teenaged sons and their friends doing the dance and there’s not much that’s functional there at all.

Anyhoo, back to self-defining, exclusionary groups that make themselves feel grander by trying to make others feel small. Who would want to join that club? Not me. And definitely not anyone who is comfortable with who they are and what they believe in. Of course, this is not to say that rich, privileged, pedigreed people can’t be warm, wonderful and wise, like my friend. There is nothing precluding them from being comfortable in their own skin. And when they are, they are as gracious and welcoming as anyone else who has found their place in the world. More so, in fact, if they are self-aware enough to understand their good fortune in being born into wealth and privilege, which creates opportunities that not everyone enjoys. Those folks find joy in sharing their good fortune and creating opportunities for others. They define class, in every sense of the word.

It’s good to watch Danni grow and evolve. It reminds me that I can evolve as well, particularly in the realm of being as classy as I can, irrespective of my station or financial status. In this way, we can all go to the head of the class if we so choose.

“Elle Boca delivers a powerful ending,” reviewer says of Smells Like Weeia Spirit

“Elle Boca delivers a powerful ending,” reviewer says of Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Author Elle Boca delivers a powerful ending

Fran Lewis

Marshall Danielle Metreaux is back along with Sebastien Poyager in another adventure that will take them deep inside the Academie Superieur de Goin to uncover the mysterious death of a student and the death of an older man who was visiting his sister. Sebastien seems to have the upper hand most of the time when doing interviews and interacting with the difficult staff they work with. He is smart, hot and calling them in to solve this case where people are dropping like flies and the answers are not apparent brings them inside the school meeting the headmistresses who is only concerned about appearances, not really quite concerned about the true cause as long as Sebastien helps solve the issue and places her back in total control. Coldhearted, methodical and often appears cold and unfeeling in manner and demeanor, she hopes that since she is an old friend of his family, that he will acquiesce to her wishes and solve the case even though Danni comes as part of the package. Meeting with the sister of the man who died from strange causes brings to light that there might be a connection to what is happening in the school and it could be related to drugs. The first student tries to recount what happened to his fellow student and by his demeanor and body language you can tell he’s afraid, apprehensive and fearful that he might upset the rigid headmistress. Did Mr. Monde use drugs? Was it murder or an accidental overdose? Weeia are different than we are and many are acting odd and more bodies will fall. Some seem human while others do not and is this related to being human? As the story progresses and the investigation is going nowhere like in real life the police bring in the FBI or CIA or a Behavioral Unit, they bring in CUT Team to aid in solving the problem and hopefully find out who or what is killing students. ?

Interviewing several students an oddity comes out that some of the girls used their sister’s makeup and their status among the students soared as opposed to before they used the makeup. But, their final decision was that he used and others did drugs.

They were not out of the woods by a long shot as many other disturbances happen in a club between two mindshifters that seem bent on destroying each other. Gathering up their cell phones, passwords needed she sends them to CUT: The Clean Up Team to wipe out any videos of pictures that might have been taken during the disturbance. But, the odd thing is that neither woman knows what caused them to blow up. While one seemed upset the other cold and could care less having a father as the Attorney General she thought she would skate. But, Danielle is tough when she has to be and with her partner things somehow manage to get down. In between she wants to spend time with her great boyfriend but another incident sends them to the Garden Park and then a second to another place making them wonder just who if anyone was in control of what is happening. So many incidents of violence but no one knows what is causing it and why? Reporting it to Francois who does nothing at all but criticize and ridicule, Danni hopes to get some answers and help from Ernie her old friend in Portland, the CUT team and hopefully some of the witnesses.

Things go downhill as more incidents happen and each one more serious than the next. But, Susanna, the Syrian chemist who is seeking refuge for her and her two children, along with Ernie and his amazing resources hone in on what might be the cause of the problem and why people are acting strange. But, in the middle of the case even before they single out the cause Danni suffers a loss that she barely recovers from or can deal with before getting into the thick of things with this serious case. What is causing Weeia to act out of sorts? Where does it stem from and who is creating this powerful thing to change personalities? A specially created scent that aligns with a person’s Henki and when properly applied can make you popular if that is what you want, make you charismatic or anything you want. But, that’s if it belongs to you. When the CUT leader, praises Danni and would love to steal her for his unit, will her loss and what she is enduring make her leave Paris and go in another direction? With her friend Marla, Ernie and her partner and Susanna, will they solve the mystery and will she remain?

The ending is filled with some unexpected twists as we learn more about the headmistresses who could care less when another student dies. Who loves being high? What is the motive behind the deaths? Just what will happen to anyone already infected? Will Sebastien remain with Danni? What about the offer from CUT? Author Elle Boca delivers a powerful ending that lets readers know this is not over yet and there is much more to come but first lets hope that somehow they solve the puzzle of what Smells Like Weeia Spirit?

Fran Lewis, Just reviews/MJ Magazine

Open – two new Goodreads giveaways

Open – two new Goodreads giveaways

Opening Dec 6 in 17 countries, including the United States – Goodreads giveaway to win a print copy of Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia or Weeia on My Mind, books one and two of the Paris urban fantasy Marshals Series about superhumans.

Last week I announced a similar giveaway for Smells Like Weeia Spirit, book three of the same series. Now there are three giveaways, each one for a print copy. Due to changes in the Goodreads program it might be the last giveaway of this kind for a while.

Improve your chances of winning. Enter all three giveaways!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia by Elle Boca

Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia

by Elle Boca

Giveaway ends January 07, 2018.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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Goodreads Book Giveaway

Weeia on My Mind by Elle Boca

Weeia on My Mind

by Elle Boca

Giveaway ends January 07, 2018.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

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Opening Dec 5 – Goodreads giveaway to win print copy of Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Opening Dec 5 – Goodreads giveaway to win print copy of Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Celebrate the holidays by entering a new giveaway for a print copy of Smells Like Weeia Spirit. Due to changes in the Goodreads program it might be the last giveaway of this kind for a while.

Follow the link below to enter the new Goodreads giveaway for a chance to win a print copy of Smells Like Weeia Spirit, the latest Marshals book, a Paris urban fantasy about superhumans. The giveaway opens December 5, 2017. Already have a copy? Tell your friends!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Smells Like Weeia Spirit by Elle Boca

Smells Like Weeia Spirit

by Elle Boca

Giveaway ends January 07, 2018.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Four stars from Midwest Book Review for Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Four stars from Midwest Book Review for Smells Like Weeia Spirit

Should be entertaining to anyone who likes an investigative adventure with a light fantasy flare

Cabe Polk

When Marshal Danielle Metreaux and her junior partner, Sebastien, answer a call to investigate a student’s death at the Academie Superieur de Goin, (Sebastien’s upper class private school alma mater) she was as unprepared for the uncaring defensive posture of the school administrator (an old friend of Sebastien’s family) as she was the free use of narcotics among the students. With nothing to indicate a homicide, they must assume the death was the result of accident related to the student’s use of drugs.

However, when other Weeia began to act strangely in a manner that would reveal their presence to normal humans, Danni and Sebastien must intensify the investigation. At a loss to explain the phenomena, they must enlist the aid of the CUT Team to resolve issues until a full time command center is organized with Danni’s boss, Francois, in command. When Danni is side-lined during the investigation with a personal loss, Sebastien steps in with the help of a Syrian chemist and provides the expertise need to allow Danni to figure out what is causing the disruption among the Weeia.

Once again, we have Danni Metreaux who is beginning to feel increasingly comfortable in Paris, and who is more comfortable with Sebastien as well. Her boyfriend, Iaen, is a big help to her adjustment, but is not destined to be a permanent part of her life. The intensity of the crisis for Weeia forces Francois to become more active, and Danni who has come to the attention of the CUT team leader may have a chance for advancement outside Paris.

As are the other Weeia books by Elle Boca, Smells Like Weeia Spirit should be entertaining to anyone who likes an investigative adventure with a light fantasy flare. 4-Stars

Clabe Polk, Reviewer
Midwest Book Review