by Admin | Nov 29, 2017 | Weeia
Boca really hit her writing stride with this book because it was just amazing

Ah yes more Weeia! I will always love getting back into this magical world. It never gets old. Danni is still my favorite character and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. She’s such a strong character that it’s hard not to be completely mesmerized by everything she does.
Boca really hit her writing stride with this book because it was just amazing. Danni really seemed in her element and so much more comfortable with her job. She had her hands full in this one trying to stop mere mortals from discovering the existence of the weeia. No pressure Danni. I still adore seeing Paris through the scenes that Boca creates in excellent detail.
Sebastion is a great character too. He and Danni make a great team and they are always fun to read. They worked so well together it was like they were made for each other. All in all, this was a great installment to this series and I can’t wait to read more!
Ashley Tomlinson, reader, aspiring author, and host of
(see it on her website at
by Admin | Oct 17, 2017 | Weeia
Weeia on My Mind is entertaining and the reader finds themselves rooting for Danni to overcome her challenges in Paris

Established in 1976, the Midwest Book Review is committed to promoting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. It featured a review of Weeia on My Mind in the March 2017 issue. With the publication’s permission below is the entire review. Our thanks to reviewer Clabe Polk and the Midwest Book Review!
When we last joined Danni Metreaux, a third level Weeia marshal assigned to Paris in Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, she had just finished dealing with a threat from a band of Gypsies with the grudging assistance of her boss, Francois. In the course of the earlier Gypsy investigation, she met a young Weeia man named Iaen and now the beginning of a romantic relationship begins to bloom through Danni’s confusion about her job and her life in Paris.
She is beginning to feel more comfortable as she meets more people and she begins to feel a little less isolated, but only a little since Francois is more remote than ever and Madame Marmotte continues to trash her behind her back. Now, she’s faced with training a new level 1 marshal, Sebastien, whom she was neither expecting nor prepared for. Worse, he is Madame Marmotte’s nephew, has Francois’ approval and comes from an influential Parisian family. To top it off, Sebastien appears just in time to save her from getting her ass kicked by a gang of Serbian-Croatian mobsters. How embarrassing!
Despite that, they are soon deep into a case involving one of a kind art pieces apparently stolen from a private collection, and case in which a Weeia exhibiting a particularly strong gift of mental manipulation is allegedly manipulating humans to commit theft.
Like Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, Weeia on My Mind is entertaining and the reader finds themselves rooting for Danni to overcome her challenges in Paris. There are hints about why Francois is not supportive, but his real story remains to be told. This book introduces Sebastien as Danni’s junior partner and the route through which she can begin to interact with some the Parisian elite. It likewise identifies Iaen squarely in the role of Danni’s boyfriend. Ho hum, I guess action and intrigue aren’t enough; there must be some romance somewhere I suppose.
Oh…the story? If you want to know about it, buy the book. Those who love cozy mysteries, light fantasy and intrigue with occasional intense action should love it! 4-Stars
Clabe Polk, Reviewer
Midwest Book Review
by Admin | Oct 15, 2017 | Weeia
Another great Weeia Marshalls novel

When we first met Danni in Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, she was in training at the Marshall Academy. Now she’s graduated and has been spending the last seven months in Paris on her first assignment. Her boss doesn’t like that she’s been assigned to work under him. She’s been living in a rodent-infested apartment until she’s given the opportunity to upgrade. And her first encounter with a new recruit, Sebastien, leaves much to be desired if you ask her.
While training Sebastien, they come across a case where an affluent couple’s necklace and painting were stolen. During their interview with the couple, Danni and Sebastien find that they have a detached attitude toward the theft. Once the items are mysteriously returned, the couple still seems to not care about the whys or whos their possessions were taken.
Aside from all that, Danni reconnects with a former interest and falls head first. He’s what most every girl wants to bring home to Mom and Dad: a bad boy.
I have to say I enjoyed the first book in the Weeia Marshals series, Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, the most. But that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy this one. I did. Weeia on My Mind kept me turning the pages even when I needed to put it aside. I loved the action, the mystery, and romance was a big part of the story as well.
Danni is a character to adore. She’s snarky, witty and fun. She knows her stuff and despite what others think of her, she’s out to prove any haters in her life that she knows her job and that she can do it well. Of course, she has a lot of trouble doing so, but luckily, after an awkward first meet with her new trainee, she found a fellow Weeia who actually doesn’t treat her like she’s weed to destroy.
Weeia on My Mind has just about everything you’d want in a story. Romance, action, intrigue, betrayal…you name it, and it’s there. It has a much darker tone than in the previous book but any fan of urban fantasy is bound to enjoy.
In my opinion, there is no need to read the books in order. But I say if you want to pick up a copy of Elle Boca’s novel, start with Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia, the first in the series. You’ll get to know Danni a little and by the time you read Weeia on My Mind, it’ll be like having a cup of coffee with a friend.
Angela Kay, author, reviewer and host of
(See the review on her website at
by Admin | Oct 13, 2017 | Weeia
I love Danni!

Have I said how much I love Danni? Well, I’ll say it again I love Danni! She is still my favorite character that Elle Boca has created so far. She’s so strong and snarky. I think she’s my spirit animal, I can only hope my spirit animal is as kick-ass as she is anyway.
I thought this book was darker than book one was but I still loved it. I think it being darker made me like it more. Danni is seven months into her assignment, and totally kicking butt everywhere she goes. Like all Weeia books, this was filled to the brim with action and I loved every second of it. This one even had some romance in it. Danni found herself crushing on Iaen the bad boy. I’m jealous because who doesn’t want a bad boy in their life. Once the romance sparked I wanted more because I’m a sucker for a love interest mixed in with all the fighting.
I’m always excited to jump into the weeia filled world. I highly recommend this book to anyone that wants an action packed urban fantasy. It’s a great series by a very talented author.
Ashley Tomlinson, reader, aspiring author, and host of
(see the entire review on her website at )
by Admin | Sep 21, 2017 | Weeia

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Click here to read about Weeia on My Mind – book two of the Marshals Paris urban fantasy series. Click here to buy Weeia on My Mind (The Weeia Marshals Book 2)
The mission of Underground Book Reviews is to support indie authors, and erase the boundaries between traditional and non-traditional publishing. Per their website, “Underground Book Reviews is here to embrace the indie community by bringing you the reckless creativity of independent authors, while promising a polished finish to rival the standards of traditional publishing.”
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by Admin | Aug 29, 2017 | Weeia
I recommend this for anyone who likes stories that push boundaries.

Danielle Metraeux, a girl whose family history makes her a bit of an outcast by no fault of her own was the Weeia at the Academy who was the one who got bullied. However, she had made it to Marshal and has been deployed to Paris France, on her own merits. This plum assignment is to monitor and guard the Weeia population in conjunction with her supervisor.
While at Academy, she was often silenced and lost, until she found her own way. In Paris, she is finding that skill set handier. From her apartment and office manager she uses her abilities to make her new post habitable. The things she is gossiped about are things that let her into places other Marshals haven’t found easy. She begins to prove herself worthy of this posting despite rocking the boat.
With the help of her own skill set, and the tools given to her, she begins to enjoy what she does, never forgetting why she was sent there in the first place. Where her superiors in Paris look down on her, she gets more done in a short amount of time than they have in years, and in doing so, gets the respect she deserves as well as craves.
I read a good deal of paranormal and urban fantasy. Having never read Ella Boca, I found this book reviewed on a favorite blog during its first go around, and it intrigued me. When it came up as a second blog tour, I offered to read it. I really liked this kind of parallel society idea wrapped in a story set in Paris, a city I love. And Boca’s description of the Paris map makes it easy to see where they are, which is not any easy thing. When I was done I wanted more! I recommend this for anyone who likes stories that push boundaries. Me? I want to read the next one….NOW.
Andrea Stoeckel, reviewer, Goodreads
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